“Oh,” Morgan said, the sound fractured. And still, he did not turn.

A boy. A boy like Alex.

His mother and father would be thrilled.

“And here we have another heartbeat. And this one... A girl. A girl and a boy for you.”

And everything inside of Constantine turned to ice. And this time, he did turn. “Twins?”



Everything in him went dark.

“Yes,” Dr.Papasifakis said. “Twins. It is why she looked like she was at such an advanced gestational age. She is just barely five months along.”

He looked down at her, at the exposed, pale skin of her stomach, that rounded bump. Two babies.

Five months.

“Five months,” he said.

No. It could not be. Twins. That was a sick joke brought about by the universe. He did not want children, not ever.


Alex had. He had wanted to be a father, and now he was gone, and these children were his last chance.

And if they were Alex’s, they were, in many ways, Constantine’s last chance for atonement.

If they were his?

Another sin.

No. It could not be.

He had spent two nights with her and, knowing Alex as he did, his brother had likely had her countless times.

The image of such a thing made his vision go black with rage.

She was his. She was his and you were the one who took what wasn’t yours.

But they had to be Alex’s. Alex needed this.

Perhaps you need it.

He hadn’t protected Athena. And she was gone, there was no trace of her. His family had never even had a body to bury.

Now Alex was gone.

“Yes,” the doctor confirmed. “What a great blessing this is for the Kamaras family. After all they have lost...” the doctor said. “And Alex. Such a blessing that he has two children to carry out his legacy in the world.”

Two children. Alex’s children.

Everyone needed them to be Alex’s children.

And yet...