And she did, because she was out of energy. Unable to fight. Unable to... Anything.

They walked past his room, and her chest seized up, but then they kept on going. To a room that had ornately carved double doors. With flowers and fairies.

“What is this?”

“This is a very old estate, and at one time, the lady of the house kept this grand room for herself. No one in my family has ever used it. But my mother thought that it was interesting. So, she... Spent several years enhancing it.”

He pushed the doors open, and what he revealed was... Stunning.

There were little paper butterflies and flowers all over the wall, a cascade of color that climbed up the ceiling and spread out to a glorious golden chandelier at its center. The bed was opulent, four posters with gauzy fabric wrapped around it. A gilded birdcage hung in the corner with...

“Are those doves?”

“Yes,” he said. “My mother’s pets. You may... Have them be homed if it does not please you for them to be in here.”

“This is like a forest.”

“That was the idea. A fairy wood, I believe.”

“Well, it is that.”

“My mother thought you would enjoy it.”

Yet again she became completely overcome by the reality of the gulf between herself and the Kamarases, and she wondered how she had ever thought that she and Alex could... How they could ever meet.

And when she looked across the space between herself and Constantine, she at least had to congratulate herself on the good sense of knowing when they made love that it could only be temporary. Of knowing that the two of them could never, ever bridge the gulf between them. Because it was not simply that he was a wealthy man. A powerful man. There was more than that. He was Constantine Kamaras, and she was Morgan Stanfield. And they would never be on the same side of this unimaginable canyon. He would always be on one, and she always on the other.

And it only made her feel all the more isolated. All the more precarious.

“What is it?”

“Nothing. I just... I don’t know how to be a person who might sleep in this room.”

“It is simple. You need only to lie on the bed.”

They stared at each other and sparks ignited between the two of them.

“I don’t think it is that simple, Constantine.”

“It matters not. The doctor will be here shortly to see you.”

“The doctor. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I have an apartment, I left all of my things and...”

“A member of staff has already been designated to handle the management of your belongings. But, I imagine you will not need many of them. We will provide you with whatever you need.”

“I’m not... I’m not for sale, Constantine, you cannot simply... Pack me up in a bag and make me one of your belongings.”

“Make no mistake, Morgan, you are not mine. But you are my family’s. Take a rest. The doctor will be here shortly.”

Then he turned and left her standing there in the opulent forest. And she could not escape the feeling that she was lost in the woods.