“I will go with you.”

She went to get her purse.

“Do you intend to open the door?”

No. Not until the very last minute. She didn’t want to any sooner than she needed to.

She grabbed her bag, and opened the door, her heart thundering as she came face-to-face with him.

“I’m ready.”

“Damn,” he said, looking down at her. “When are you due?”

“I don’t know,” she said.

And that wasn’t entirely true. Using the dates of her last period. And the date of their intercourse, she had calculated the due date on the Internet. But it wasn’t confirmed by a doctor or anything.

And she should just tell him. But his denial in wanting children stuck in her mind, and it mixed with what she knew of her own father. And if she told him...

Would she end up alone? Would he react the same as he was now in his bid to...?

He was preserving Alex’s memory, protecting Alex’s legacy. If he thought the child was his...

If his parents thought she’d betrayed Alex, if Constantine didn’t have that drive to protect Alex, then what would this mean?

Would her child be rejected, just like she’d been?

Are you worried about your child being rejected, or yourself?

She refused to think about it.

“Why do you not know?”

“I haven’t gone to a doctor.”

“You haven’t been to a doctor. Dammit, Morgan. That is the first thing you will do.”

“Wait a second,” she said, feeling panicked. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“I’m afraid that isn’t true. You were behaving irresponsibly. By not telling my family about the child, by not ensuring that you’ve been cared for medically... Come with me.”

She followed him down the stairs. “And I don’t like you taking the stairs.”

“I’m not a soap opera heroine,” she said. “I’m not going to get shoved down them by an angry rival and lose the pregnancy.”

But she put her hand on the bump protectively then, because as a flippant remark, it might have been humorous, but in reality it made her feel slightly paranoid. She had never ridden in Constantine’s car. It was red and fast looking, and not at all what she had thought he would drive.

“This seems out of character,” she said.

“What did you expect?”

She shrugged a shoulder. “A hearse?”

“As I said,” he returned, teeth gritted. “We all have vices.”

She was shocked to learn that fast cars were one of his.

“I hope you drive more carefully than Alex.”