If he were bracingly honest with himself the heart of his issue with Morgan had been the fact that he wanted her, and she had belonged to Alex, and at the first moment the opportunity had been there...

He had wanted her. So he had taken her. And it enraged him that looking at her now, round with child, not his child, he felt the same sort of desire that had existed then. Only it felt feral now. Possessive.

As if it didn’t before.

He gritted his teeth.

“You do present a good point. Perhaps she will consent to be part of the family. I don’t see why not. Your mother... She was very fond of her. She was quite sad when Morgan faded out of our lives. It was so nice to see Alex as happy as he was with her. He was going to marry her.”

Constantine wondered if that was true. He had no trouble believing that his brother could be unfaithful to the woman that he had wanted to marry, because Alex simply wouldn’t think past the moment. He wouldn’t take the emotion all that deep. It just wasn’t in him.

At least it hadn’t been.

He still found it very difficult to think of his brother in the past tense.

He wanted to rail at him. He had for these last five months. And now even more so.

You were going to be a father, you fool. Why did you need to drive that fast? Why did you need to drive drunk? Why could you not have settled? Why must you make me miss you like this? Why could you not have been more like me?

Athena had been taken, and nothing that had happened had been her choice. This was such a strange, complex pain. Alex had made his choices, and yet Constantine still felt he should have done something more.

And none of it fixed the hole inside of him. Not guilt, not anything.


Perhaps this child would.

“I will go to her,” Constantine said, on that he was clear. On that he was certain.

“Bring her here,” his dad said. “And let her know that every offer is on the table. She’s family now.”

She’s family now.

Those words rang sharply in his head as he drove his sleek sports car down to Morgan’s brownstone. A location he knew too well.

The sight of his last downfall with her.

She would have been carrying Alex’s baby, even then.

She would have been the first time too.

The thought of it made his blood burn.

He went inside the building and made his way up the narrow staircase, confident he remembered the exact details of which unit she was in. He might have been addled by grief and desire, but he was not a man who forgot such things.

He found it quickly enough.

The security in this place was shameful. The floors and walls scarred by God knew what.

He did not want her living here, that was certain.

Even now, he did not want that.

He did something he was deeply unaccustomed to and knocked.


The question was muted.