But dreams did not come true for girls like her. Not dreams like this. There was no Prince Charming. There was no magical happy ending; there was just not going to be any getting out of this with her dignity. But all she needed to do was get down the stairs. And out the front door. And if she had to run... Well, there could only ever be a rumor of a crazed redhead running through the halls. She would never look back, she would never call back, and she would go back to being alone... It was just all over. All of it.

She took a step deeper into the room and heard a sound. A glass clicking against a hard surface.

“Well. When I ordered a nightcap, I can honestly say I did not expect this.”


Because of course it was him. Of course, he would be the one to see. Of course, he would be the one in this room.

She was surprised he didn’t bring with him hell’s very fire and all the demons. Or maybe he had, because she was suddenly hot.

He’s always made you hot...

She ignored that. As she’d ignored the heat for six months. Because Constantine wasn’t her knight in shining armor. Her Prince Charming.

Constantine was something shameful, dark and awful she pretended she didn’t harbor inside of herself.

Alex isn’t your Prince Charming either...

“So it is you. I thought that I recognized you.” His dark gaze swept over her, the contempt there so...




“I see you’ve abandoned your fresh-faced ingenue look for the evening.” The expression on his face was almost bland. If you didn’t know him.

And, sadly, she did.

She had made an effort to not know him, but it was unavoidable.

Over the past six months she had been taken into the family with enthusiasm. She loved Alex’s parents.

She did not love Constantine. And he did not love her.

But she was fascinated by him. She had learned to read a lot of things in one quirk of his arrogant eyebrow, had become well acquainted with the disapproval inherent in the slightest adjustment of his jacket cuff. He did not look at her so much as through her, so at this moment, as he looked at her with that burning intensity, she felt it. Down to the very center of her soul.

“Your brother is otherwise occupied,” she said.

And if a person could die of humiliation then she was well on her way.

Because to have to admit to Constantine Kamaras of all people, that she was... That she had been replaced... Not even replaced, as she had never even been in Alex’s bed.

Your choice, Morgan.

Yes, it was her choice. Born out of extreme paranoia, to be sure. A fear that if she were to fall pregnant she wouldn’t be taken care of, that she would end up like her mother.

But she had gotten so... So confident in Alex. And what they had. And she had been ready to...

It was more than humiliation that had her reeling now. It was the stunning clarity that in her confidence in another person she had still been wrong. But she had been cautious all this time and so certain of him...

And she had been wrong.

“He is otherwise occupied?”

He shifted in his chair, affecting a more languid pose than she ever typically associated with Constantine. He was rigid. Hard like a mountain. And yet at the moment he looked... Approachable. Which made him all the more terrifying.