She was being driven by grief, but also by need. It had never been Alex for her, not like this, something that had been made clear the night she’d gone to Constantine’s bed, and even while she’d wept tears over the loss of Alex, over the unfairness of his death. The cruelty of a life that had burned so bright cut so awfully short...

She had dreamed of Constantine. And the guilt had mixed with hunger, deep down inside her, and had created a monster that was raging now, one she couldn’t fight.

One she didn’t want to fight.

Was that the same beast that drove Constantine now? Or were there other demons driving him now?

For they were both kissing each other as if hell was at their heels, and time was not on their side.

Time was not on their side.

When this ended, so would they. And she knew it.

She knew it.

Tears tracked down her cheeks as he stripped them both of their clothes, and if he thought they were tears for Alex, that was okay with her.

He never had to know her tears were for the two of them.

When he was inside her, she clung to his shoulders. She held him while he trembled, as he split apart at the seams, raw and feral. As he claimed her, over and over again, sending them both to the heights.

She lost track of how many times.

He was like a man possessed, and she a woman possessed of him.

They had opened Pandora’s box, and let the wave of darkness sweep over them both. Let it consume them.

When she finally slept, her face was wet with sweat and tears. And when she woke in the morning, he was gone.

And she cried like she would never, ever stop.

In the five months since Alex’s funeral, since Constantine had left her apartment, everything had changed.

She had graduated—another milestone missed by her mother, though there were so many it shouldn’t surprise her. Graduation was one good thing she’d managed to do as she put her head down and pretended that the changes in her body were coincidence. Grief and stress.

But she knew it wasn’t that.

Morgan needed to go and see a doctor. She knew it.

She knew she was pregnant because she was visibly pregnant. She needed to see a doctor. She probably needed to talk to Constantine.

But ever since...

Hideous grief and guilt assaulted her.


Oh, the month after his death was a blur. Because she had never broken up with him. He had died that morning in an accident. Likely taking his lover back home. He had been driving his car too quickly, and had flipped it coming around the curve.

But he had been alone, and no one had known why he was out.

Sure he’d had some alcohol in his system, though barely above the legal limit. His parents had shrugged at that. A little bit of partying was hardly notable to them.

But they had not shrugged at the loss of him. Their grief had been a horrible thing to witness, and Morgan had felt absolutely bound to be part of it.

Because she had been his girlfriend, and they had not ended it... And... And she did care for them very much. She had worn black to the service, she had cried while holding his mother, sobs racking her thin frame.

And she had done her best to avoid Constantine’s gaze through all of it.