“I will find her.” He turned around to face his brother. “Where is your wife?”

“Do not bother her,” Javier warned. “She’s tired. Pregnancy is taking its toll on her.”

“Congratulations. But I need to speak with her. And I am absolutely certain that she’s hardy enough to handle it. Your great tragedy is that I have met her.”

Javier rose from the chaise and went to the door that connected the antechamber and the bedroom.

“Querida, my brother wishes to have a word with you.”

“Well, excellent.”

Violet emerged from the bedroom, beautiful as always. She did not stir him, though. She never had. In fact, his interest had been...low. He did not worry over it, as he did not spend a large amount of time questioning his own motives, if any. He had no need of introspection.

“You saw my mouse earlier. Did she say where she was going?”

“I did see her. And Livia did not say where she was going. Only that she was.”

“And you didn’t stop her?”

“No. She seemed very upset and I can only assume that you were responsible.”

“Yes, I was responsible. By proposing marriage to her.”

“What he means is,” Javier said, “he commanded that she marry him.”

“Same thing.”

“It’s not,” Violet said. “Having been on the receiving end of one of your proposals, I can tell you that it’s not.” She frowned. “It does surprise me that she would refuse you...”

“Thank you,” Matteo said. “I find myself shocked.”

“Please don’t encourage him,” Javier said. “His ego already needs its own wing.”

“And we have the room for it,” he said, his tone flat. “Especially now that Livia has vacated. Though I find it unacceptable, and I wish for her to return.”

“Well, what were her objections to the marriage?”

“She made no specific objections. She only said no.”

“It seems to me that she does not believe that marrying you has sufficient advantage. If I were you, I would focus on ensuring that she feels there is an advantage.”

“And how will I do that?”

“Go and find her.”

“Go and find her?”

He did not chase after people. Not anyone. Much less his assistant.

“If you really believe that she is the best choice for Queen, then I think you should.”

Yes. That was actually not a bad idea. For she would marry him. She would see that he was correct. She was the best choice. And now that he had hit upon her as the ideal Queen, he could see it no other way. It would be Livia; it would have to be. He had given her a home, a position. Now he would give her a title, a family name. And she would give him heirs. Yes, he was determined in this and he would not allow her to defy him.

If his mouse thought she could escape him, she had better think again. For while she might have an extraordinary backbone, she was still prey.

And he was, as ever, a predator.

Livia had never had a place of her own before.