Which was the truth of it.
He had not seen her all day. She was being treated, royally, in order to come out gleaming and wrapped in velvet, and worthy of her position as Queen, though in his opinion, she was already far beyond worthy. It wasn’t until it was nearly time to go into the ballroom that he saw her for the first time. Uncharacteristically, her hair was down, falling in soft waves just past her shoulders. Her makeup was light, illuminating her face, rather than covering it. As much as he had liked the red lipstick she’d worn the other night, he liked this version of her. This one that was familiar but gleaming and special all at the same time.
She was wearing green. A strapless, velvet gown with a neckline that plunged down between her glorious breasts, and he wanted to cover her, because he did not want anyone else to see what was his.
“Hi,” she said, looking almost shy. She looked down, her pale lashes fanning across her cheekbones.
“I would rather take you to our bedroom, than into the ballroom,” he said.
“Oh,” she answered.
“I heard... I did hear... That is to say... Violet said something about handcuffs?”
The idea warmed his blood. He had thought little about the tradition in Monte Blanco of binding the bride’s wrists and ankles on the wedding night, but he was thinking of it now. And found it quite overly appealing. Oh, yes, he would enjoy exploring those sensual delights with Livia. The games that could be made out of restraints would be lush, and the very thought sent a kick of desire through him.
“I used to scrub these floors,” she said, as they stood before the ballroom doors.
“And you never will again,” he said.
No. He wished to elevate her and keep her there. This beautiful, incomparable woman who was his in every way.
The doors opened for them, and they entered the room. It was already filled with peacocks, guests dressed in finery from head to toe. Laughing and drinking and dancing. His brother was there, and he was actually smiling, with Violet on his arm, looking stunning in the color that was her namesake. But he could not imagine her on his arm. And he could only be grateful, yet again, that she and Javier had found each other, so that he could stand here with Livia.
As they walked into the room, a hush fell over it, and he found that even the members of staff in attendance were staring at them. At her.
But of course, it must be notable, that she was among them, not so long ago, and now she was to be their Queen.
He wondered how that would be for her. But then, if there was even a whisper of disrespect among the staff, he would have them removed at once.
Livia had suffered enough in her life, and there was no need for her to suffer anymore. He would see to that. He would never allow anyone to make her feel like she was less, not ever again.
They moved deeper into the room, and it took a while, but soon Livia began to loosen, began to warm, and the way that she had been on their previous trip started to come into the fore. He could see that she would do well at this. He was confident in it. And he was prouder of her than he had ever been of anyone or anything in all of his life.
She was an amazing creature. And she was his.
He was waylaid by heads of state, and Livia kept on walking, greeting others in attendance. He kept watch on her out of the corner of his eye, but trusted she would do well.
And she did. She was not shy, nor was she unaccustomed to many of the guests.
Suddenly, she jolted, as one of the men in attendance bumped into her and spilled a drink over the bodice of her gown.
“Oh,” she said. “I’m sorry... I...”
“Perhaps you should clean it yourself,” the man said. “As you are only a maid, after all.”
Matteo found himself moving toward her without thought.
He was across the space immediately, his blood pounding like a hammer. “Clean this up,” he said to the man. “Who are you?”
“A reporter, Your Majesty.”
“Monte Blanco Press.”
“And you are no longer employed there, I will ensure that. Now, see yourself out of the palace.”