MATTEOMOVEDALLof her things into his chamber shortly after that.
And the plans for the wedding were proceeding at pace. Livia couldn’t deny that she felt a certain amount of disquiet over the whole thing. Mostly because... Well, she was used to fading into the background. And now... She wouldn’t be.
Matteo had made an announcement to his people, that Livia was going to be Queen. And it was all done now. There was no turning back. She’d said yes to him. She would’ve been disappointed in herself if she were not quite so satisfied in other ways.
She was sitting in the dining room, having an afternoon espresso, when Violet walked in. Violet, who would be her sister-in-law. Violet, whom she had resented so much not that long ago.
It was strange. How much things had changed so quickly. She had liked Violet almost immediately, that had been difficult, when she’d been mired in her jealousy.
Jealousy she’d gotten over immediately when she’d seen how Violet loved Javier. It had been easy for them to find a friendship after that.
“Hi,” Violet said.
“Hello,” Livia responded.
“How is everything going with the wedding plans?”
A staff member came in, and Violet requested her own espresso, and some cake.
“I might have some cake,” Livia said.
“Of course,” the woman responded.
“Is it strange?” Violet asked. “To go from... working here to...”
Livia blinked. “Well, yes. Though, honestly it’s all happened so slowly. I’ve been with Matteo for nine years. I mean, not been with... I... I’ve been here at the palace. And things have evolved.”
“Yes,” Violet said. “They truly have. I haven’t been here very long. And things with Javier moved quite quickly. But... That wasn’t the case for you.”
Livia looked away. “I loved him... For a very long time.”
“You must be happy, then. That it has worked out this way.”
“I’m not sure anything is worked out yet.”
“Why not? You’re marrying him.”
“Yes. I’m marrying him.” Javier and Violet were in love. In love in a way Matteo said they could not be. But somehow Javier loved. She was desperate to know more about that. “You know... Javier must’ve had a very difficult time with his feelings.”
“Yes. He did. Did Matteo not tell you how things were for Javier?”
“Some small things. I know about Matteo’s experiences, but not Javier’s. He guards that relationship. Between himself and his brother. I think it is the only lifelong relationship he’s ever had that meant anything to him. No, I don’t think that, I know it. He cares for Javier very much, but showing feelings is hard for him.”
“He has always seemed...” Violet looked thoughtful. “Granted I don’t know him that well, but he has always seemed easier than Javier. I was quite annoyed of myself that it was Javier who captured my attention. Considering he was my jail keeper, and a grump.”
“Matteo hides it. But he’s very...” She thought of his scars. She thought of his nightmares. All of those things she would keep to herself. For it was his story. And it was not hers to share. She would never uncover him in such a way.
They had trust between them that he didn’t share with anyone else, and she would never do anything to violate that.
“You know about their father. Their mother was gone before either of them could have ever known her. And their father was not a good man. Javier trusted him, Matteo never did. But Matteo saw the worst of him. And he is... It’s like emotion doesn’t touch him. As if everything glances off. It’s why he seems an easier man. He does not easily feel anything half so intense as anger.”
But things between them were intense enough, and there was no denying that. They felt plenty for each other. At least, in bed.
“He believes it is how a king must be.”
“I see. And so... His view of love...”