“Perhaps you should try talking about your feelings,” Violet said.

Matteo and Javier exchanged a glance, and both of them chuckled.

“That is silly,” Matteo said.

“That is rather silly,” Javier agreed.

“We talk about our feelings all the time,” Violet said.

“I might talk about them with you,” Javier said. “But I will go to great lengths to not discuss them with my brother more than is humanly possible.”

“I do not have feelings.”

“Clearly you have some, or you would not have gone to such an extent to bring Livia back.”

“She is the best choice to be Queen of the country. Actually, it’s perfect. Because she is better at diplomacy than you will ever be, no offense,” he said, directing that at Violet.

“None taken.”

“And we still retain the benefit of your presence here in the country. Truly, I could not have planned it better. And you know that pains me to say it. That fate might have better plans than I do. I like to fancy myself as being supreme director of all things. But sometimes, you simply must acknowledge that a twist of fate has produced something even better.”

“Wow,” Violet said.

“I expect your support in all of this,” he said, addressing both of them.

“I will not support your kidnap of your assistant.”

“Neither will I,” Javier said.

“You have to,” he said, directing that at Javier. “Because you kidnapped Violet. And look how you ended up.”

“We are in love. That’s different.”

“Livia was going to stay here at the palace anyway. She is simply out of sorts over the marriage aspect. God knows why.”

“It’s as if you’re impossible and frustrating,” Violet said sweetly.

“Is my brother not?”


“That’s what I thought. Anyway. She is here. And the marriage will proceed. Whether she says yes or not.”

“And when it comes to actually exchanging vows? What do you intend to do then?”

“I am a king. The marriage can be binding however I choose it to be. I could write up a document that I signed myself stating that I married her, and it would be done.”

He supposed he ought to feel...something. About the fact that he was being quite such an autocrat. But he would not be bad to her. In fact, he would treat her as if she were... As if she were Queen. But she would be. So there was no reason for guilt. None whatsoever.

And for him, control was essential.

“I’m sorry,” Javier said. “But I will not allow it. And I am second in command in this country, and the head of your military, and I will have to see that Livia has agreed to the marriage before I will allow it to proceed.”

“Or you will start a war with me?”

“Yes. To prevent you from engaging with an even bigger one inside of yourself. You do not wish to be this leader.”

He growled. “Do not tell me what I wish.” He turned and stalked out of the room, going straight back to Livia.