It was expected for Javier to get angry with him sometimes. But not for his assistant.

It was a charming thing.


Why was he feeling half so charmed by Livia at the moment? She was being a termagant.

“Let us away,” she said.

They went downstairs, and a limo was waiting for them. Livia slid inside, her skirt fanning out around her, revealing a slit in the long, flowing black dress, showing off a length of pale leg.

Her legs were quite lovely. He had endeavored not to notice before.

He looked at her, and her profile, that staunch upturned nose, and the dramatic lips, her pert little chin.

The line of her neck, that curve at the back of it, was also quite something. She was a study in delicate lines, elegant swoops. She was soft. And yet... Not soft at all in her interaction.

“You’re quite beautiful,” he said.

She turned to him, and he found the anger that burned in her eyes was even more pronounced now than it had been a moment ago. “Are you trying to flatter me?”

“I don’t do flattery. I thought you should know.”

“Oh, yes, I do know, but I find that all of your behavior of late is quite a bit outside the character of the man I thought I knew.”

“It was not a leading comment, simply a statement. You’re beautiful, Livia.”

Her cheeks turned pink, and she looked away from him. “How lucky for me.”

“I imagine no matter that you dressed in black men pay quite a bit of attention to you at these events.”

“It wouldn’t matter if they did. I’m working.”

“Ah yes, always working, aren’t you?”

“Yes. As my boss, you should know that.”

When they got out of the car, he took her arm.

“What are you doing?”

“I wish you to stay with me tonight.”

“I don’t stay with you at these sorts of things, as well you know. We do not come in together. I go through the back.”

“You’re not going through the back tonight,” he said, his voice hard. “You must endeavor to find a way to deal with that.”

“This was not the plan.”

“And I decide what the plans are. You may organize them, but I have the ultimate decision-making power. I suggest you find a way to cope with that.”


But the beginning of her tirade was cut off by the fact that they had arrived at the entrance to the Grand Hotel. And then, she was far too good at her job to do anything but smile. As he had known that she would be. It was how Livia was.

The perfect assistant, the perfect advisor. She always had been.

In fact, it was difficult for him to recall how he had ever gotten along without her. He didn’t like to think of it, not really. For she was the perfect partner in every way, and that was undeniable.