“What makes you think you can manipulate me with sex?”

“Perhaps I’m not trying to manipulate you, Livia.”

“No, I think you are. You’re a man who does not like to be told no. And so, you chased me down, not because you want me half so badly, but because you cannot stand that I refused you.”

“That isn’t true.”

“Don’t argue with me. Do you know... I knew you were going to propose to me.”

That stopped him. Cold.

“You... You knew?”

“Oh, yes. From the day that your engagement to Violet King was broken off I knew that you would be asking me next. Because I am practical, and I am sensible, and you want nothing less than what you want at all times, Matteo.”

“I am a king, I’m not predictable.”

“Maybe not to other people, but you are to me. This isn’t about me. It’s about having your way.”

Anger burned through his veins. “Perhaps you have forgotten. Forgotten what I really come from. Forgotten who I really am. I am a man who has had no luxury of ruling with his heart, for I know how deceitfully wicked a person’s heart can be. Perhaps you don’t remember.”

“Our late-night conversations about torture?” Her voice was quiet then. “Of course I do.”

“Then before you write me off as an arrogant ass, perhaps you should recall that reality. I will not apologize. I will not apologize for seeking to do what is best for my country, and I will not apologize for limiting the danger that I posed to the world by cutting out my own heart.”

“You have never been a danger to the world...”

“Of course I have been. You know nothing, Livia. Nothing of me. Not really.”

“Arrogant even in your self-loathing. That you think so highly of yourself that you suppose you could mete destruction out upon the planet.”

“You forget that I grew up with a monster. The only arrogance is believing that you are incapable of turning into such a thing yourself. That kind of arrogance is dangerous.”

“All right. If that’s what you need to believe.”

“Let me take you to dinner.”

The look she gave him was mean. “We go to dinner all the time.”

“No. We don’t.” He looked around the space. “Where are you staying?”

“I’m currently in a hotel down the road, though I’m sure you know that.”

He looked at her. “Of course I do.”

“Then why did you bother asking?”

“I can’t win. I’m either too arrogant or not arrogant enough.”

“How tragic for you,” she said, her tone arid.

“I will have clothes and instruction sent to the hotel.”

“By whom?”

He smiled. “By me.”