He arched a brow. “Might you?”
“I might.”
He wouldn’t have imagined that a woman—a grown woman with a child—could be made so uncomfortable at the sight of him without a shirt.
He knew that women found his looks impacting. It was something he’d enjoyed the effects of for the past twenty years. But he was used to purring, coquettish glances. Touching. Flirting. Not...fear.
“There’s cake,” he said.
Min tilted her head. “At the beach?”
“Here,” he clarified. “Chocolate cake, if you would like to stay for some. However, if you’re indisposed...”
She sat, holding Isabella. “I will accept cake.”
He chuckled, and went over to the other side of the kitchen, procuring a slice of cake and setting it on a plate.
He liked this reversal of fortune.
Because it had been bothering him that Minerva had had an effect on him, and now the tables had turned.
For a brief moment he saw his own actions, his own satisfaction, clearly.
He was delighting in some kind of sensual victory over Maximus’s little sister. A woman who had been—until a few days ago—as a child to him.
But hell, they were going to be stuck here in this place for God knew how long. He supposed he had to take his victories where he could get them. He held the plate out to her, and with great effort, she looked up at his eyes.