And, of course, poor Katie was gone.
Oddly, the fact that the place was littered with strangers, and faces that she only knew because she had seen them plastered on television screens and newspapers, hit home the point that she was doing the right thing.
That what she did she did for Isabella, and it was important.
Certainly of more significance than the rest of her life.
But it was the sight of Dante that unraveled something inside of her.
He was wearing a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of dark slacks that somehow made her very aware of the fact that his thighs were powerful.
Which she thought had to be the oddest observation in the history of observations.
“Glad you could join us, cara mia,” he said.
“Of course you knew that Violet wouldn’t allow me to show up until at least an hour after the party had started,” she stated.
“Of course,” he responded. “That seems an incredibly Violet perspective on things.”
“One has to make an entrance. One cannot do that if they arrive early.”
“Well, I had no idea I’ve been doing entrances wrong this entire time.”
She studied him, his sculpted jaw, his imposing height and his broad shoulders. “Honestly, Dante, I imagine whatever time you arrive you create a spectacle.”
“Thank you,” he said, inclining his dark head.
“That was not a compliment,” she said.
“I took it as one. Anyway, you must look happier to see me, Minerva,” he said. “As you are madly in love with me. So madly in love with me that you decided to seduce me in an inebriated state, taking terrible advantage of me and my agency.”
She rolled her eyes at his ridiculousness. “I had to say something. Otherwise my father was going to skin you alive.”
“I believe the offer of marriage was sufficient. Though I appreciate your efforts to protect me.” He said the last part so drily she could tell that he didn’t mean it at all.
“Well, you’re of no use to me if you’re dead. You can’t protect me then.”
“I don’t know. If Carlo believed that your dad killed me because I had fathered your child...”
“Well, I don’t want you dead,” she said. “Not at the moment. Though—” she held a finger up “—I have arrived on a solution to your issue of divorce.”
He narrowed dark eyes. “Have you?”
“Yes,” she said brightly. “Obviously we’ll get an annulment.”
His dark eyes flicked up and down. “An annulment?”
“Yes! Because we won’t consummate.”
The look he treated her to could only be described as pitying. “Minerva, on what planet would anyone believe that?”
“You said yourself that you are not...attracted to women like me. I’m not offended by that. I’m not attracted to men like you.” She patted his forearm, then removed her hand quickly when she found him disturbingly hot and firm. She cleared her throat. “Your tastes are public. So, no one will be surprised.”
“Except the public, and your family for that matter, think that we had a child together.”
“A fluke. And we will claim that there was no spark left once we married. And at that point Carlo won’t be an issue. So it will be a mere blip in the headlines.”
“Minerva, it would be a blip in the headlines if it were only you. But sadly, I am included in this, and I am more than a blip in any headline.”