“I felt it was quite modern, given you weren’t traded for a pair of sheep.”

“No. Just my father’s gambling debt, extracted from him when he was drunk. What kind of man is your brother that he would do that?”

“I would say honorable. But his primary concern is the country, and while I don’t know what his ultimate plans are for you, or why he wants you specifically, I do know there is a reason. One thing I know about him is that he has his reasons.”

“Woof,” she said.

In spite of himself, amusement tightened his stomach. And that was the last thing he expected to feel at her insolence. She had no idea who he was. He was a weapon. A human blade.

And she... She taunted him.

He was used to women reacting to him with awe. Sometimes they trembled with fear, but in a way that they seemed to enjoy. He was not blind to the effect he had on women. No indeed. He was a powerful man. A man with a title. A man with wealth.

He commanded a military.

Violet King did not tremble with fear when she looked at him.

He took a champagne glass from the table next to him and poured her a measure of liquid, reaching across the space and handing it to her. She didn’t move.

“You’ll have to come and get it. Contrary to what you may have heard, I don’t fetch or deliver.”

She scowled and leaned forward, grabbing hold of the glass and clutching it to her chest as she settled back in her chair.

She looked around the expansive airplane. “Do you think this thing is a little bit big?”

“I’ve never had any complaints.”

Color mounted in her cheeks. “Well. Indeed.” She downed half the glass of champagne without taking a breath. “I really do wish there was an internet connection.”

“But there isn’t. Anyway, we left your phone back in your office.”

She looked truly panicked at that. “What if somebody else gets a hold of it? I can’t have anybody posting on my social media who wasn’t approved.”

“Such strange concerns you have. Websites. You know, I’ve been fighting for the life and health of my people for the last several years. I can’t imagine being concerned that somebody might post something on a website in my name.”

“Optics,” she snapped.

“Optics are no concern of mine. I’m concerned with reality. That which you can touch and see. Smell. Feel. That is my concern. Reality.”

“It’s no less real. It changes people’s lives. It affects them profoundly. I built an entire business off of influence.”

“You make a product. I did a cursory amount of research on you, Violet. You don’t simply post air.”

“No. But for want of that air my products wouldn’t sell. It’s what exposes me to all those people. It’s what makes me relevant.”

“I should hope that more than a piece of code floating out in cyberspace would make you relevant.”

Her lips twitched and she took another sip of champagne. “I’m not going to argue about this with a man who thinks it’s perfectly reasonable to bundle me up and take me back to his country.”

“I didn’t say it was reasonable,” he said. “Only that it was going to be done.”

After that, they didn’t speak.

* * *

Upon arrival in Monte Blanco, Javier parted with Violet and made a straight path for his brother’s office.

“I’ve returned,” he said.