An impromptu dinner with foreign dignitaries was not Javier’s idea of fun. But then, few things were his idea of fun. And if he had his way, he would simply walk out of the dining room and take Violet straight back to bed. But tonight was not about having his way. Unfortunately.

She looked radiant. She had sent one of the members of the palace staff to town and instructed them to return with a golden gown from a local shop. And they had delivered. She was wearing something filmy and gauzy that clung to her curves while still looking sedate.

Her hair was slick, captured in a low bun, and her makeup was similar to how it had been the first day they’d met. More elaborate than anything she had done during their time together here at the palace.

He found he liked something about that as well.

That this was her public face. And that the soft, scrubbed-fresh woman with edible pink lips and wild dark hair was his and his alone.

She was standing there, talking to a woman from Nigeria, both of their hand gestures becoming animated, and he could only guess about what.

But Violet was passionate about her charities. About businesses that centered around women, and he imagined it had something to do with that.

“She is quite something,” his brother said, moving to stand beside him.

“Yes,” Javier agreed. “She is.”

Not for the first time he thought that she would be better suited to the position of Queen than being married to him.

“Come,” Matteo said. “Let us speak for a moment.”

“Are you going to have me arrested and executed?” Javier asked as they walked out of the dining room and onto the balcony that overlooked the back garden.

“No,” Matteo said. “Had I done that, I would have made a much larger spectacle.”

“Good to know.”

“I wanted to thank you for following through with the marriage.”

“You don’t have to thank me.”

“I can tell that you have feelings for her.”

Javier gritted his teeth. “She’s beautiful.”

“Yes,” Matteo agreed. “She is. But many women are beautiful.”

Not like Violet. “Certainly.”

“Without you, I never could have done this,” Matteo said. “All the years of it. Making sure that the damage that our father was intent on inflicting on the country was not as severe as it might have been. You have been loyal to me. Even in this.”

Loyalty? Was that what he called this? He had been a fox curled around a hen. Waiting, just waiting for her to be left alone. Vulnerable and beautiful and his to devour.

It had taken nothing for him to abandon his promise. His honor.

To prove that he was morally corrupt in his soul. Incapable of doing right if he led with his heart.

“You consider it loyalty?” Javier chuckled. “I slept with your fiancée.”

“It does not matter which of us marries her. Only that it’s done. I told you that. And I meant it.”

“I didn’t know it at the time.”

“I brought you out here to say that you must not think our bond is damaged by this. And it must not become damaged by this. I don’t want your woman.”

“I didn’t think you did.”

“I would ensure that you do not labor under the impression that I might. Which I feel could drive a wedge between us. As I can see that you are... Distracted by her.”