This moment wasn’t about proving herself to anyone.

It wasn’t a reaction to anyone or anything but the need inside of her.

And she suddenly felt more powerful than she had ever felt before.

As a prisoner in a palace in a faraway land. Standing across from a man who should terrify her, but who filled her with desire instead.

And whatever this resulted in, it would be her choice. This, at least, was her choice.

She didn’t have to close the distance between them. Not this time. He was the one who did it. He wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her against him.

She shivered with anticipation. Because the pleasure that she had found in his kiss surpassed anything else she had ever experienced, and just thinking about it opened up a wide cavern of longing inside of her.

When his mouth connected with hers, she whimpered. With relief. To be touched by him again, consumed by him again...

Only days ago she had never met him. She had been living a life she had worked for. A life that she loved. And she had been missing this one elemental thing without realizing it. Had been completely blind to what desire could feel like. To what it could mean.

And she would have said that obviously if she could wake up tomorrow and just be back at home, back in her bed, if she could never have found out that her father did such a thing to her, then she would have gone back.

Until now. Until this. Until him. And she didn’t think it was simplistic. Because as she’d said to him, why was happiness simplistic? Why was desire treated like it was simplistic or base? Desire like this was not cheap, and she knew it. It was not something that came to just everyone, that could occur between any two people. It was a unique kind of magic and she reveled in it.

In him.

His mouth was firm and taut, his tongue certain as it slid between her lips, sliding against her own.

That sweet friction drove her crazy. Made her breasts feel heavy. Made her ache between her thighs. Desperate to be touched.

She felt slick and ready, for what she didn’t quite know. Oh, she knew. In a physical sense. But what she was learning was that there was a spiritual component to this sort of attraction that could not be defined. Could not be easily explained in a textbook.

Something that went beyond human biology and went into the realm of human spirituality.

It wasn’t basic. It

wasn’t base.

But it was elemental. Like something ancient and deep that had been dug up from the center of the earth. An old kind of magic, presented as a gift, one she had never even known she needed. But she did know now. Oh, she knew now.

His hands were sure and certain as they roamed over her curves. As if he knew exactly where she needed him most. He slipped his hands upward, cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples with his thumbs. And she gasped. He took advantage of the gasp, tasting her deeper, making it more intense. Impossibly so.

In fact, it was so intense now, she wasn’t sure she would survive it. He was not a rock. He was a man. And suddenly, the differences between the two of them felt stark and clear.

And, like everything else that had passed between them, just a little bit magical. That he was strength and hardness and heat and muscle. And he made her feel like her softness might just be strength in and of itself. A match for his.

Her world was suddenly reduced to senses. The texture of his whiskers against her face, the firmness of his mouth. Those rough, calloused hands tugging at her shirt, at her pants. She pushed her hands beneath his shirt, gasped when her palms made contact with his hot, hard muscles.

She lived in Southern California. She saw a lot of beach bodies. She had already seen him shirtless in the gym, and she already knew that visually, he was the most stunning man she had ever beheld. But touching him... Well, maybe it had to do with that chemistry between them. That spiritual element. But there was something that transcended mere aesthetic beauty. It was as if he had been created for her. Carved from stone and had breath infused into him, as if he had been created for this moment, for her to admire.

For her to revel in.

She moved her fingertips over the hard ridges of his abs, and when he sucked in a breath, all those gorgeous muscles bunched and shifted beneath her touch, and the very act of being able to affect him like she did was an intoxicant that transcended anything made by men.

She moved her hands up over his shoulders, across his back. Admired the sheer breadth of him. The strength inherent there.

The whole world rested on his shoulders. So much.

And she kissed him. Not just with all the desire inside of her, but with the formless, indefinable feeling that was expanding in her chest. The deep resonant understanding that was echoing inside of her. Because of him.

Because she saw herself clearly for the first time because of this moment. And whatever happened afterward, that could never be taken from her. This could never be taken from her.