“Hold on,” I finally speak up. “I don’t want this as an amendment to our contract. If either of us wants out, I don’t want it to affect the movie or filming. That’s the only way I’ll agree.”

They all turn to look over at Elena, as if she holds the power to nix this or not. It has me wondering if this scheme wasn’t concocted by her to begin with. Michael’s face finally pries itself free from his phone and he looks at me in distaste before running an arm across Elena’s back in an intimate fashion.

“I’ll agree to it,” Elena purrs.

Quinn nods but I see the sadness in her eyes as she looks over at me and I realize that my theory was correct. This must have been something our agents and Elena invented.

“Great.” Quinn’s smile doesn’t reach her eyes, it’s the same one she gives to reporters and I recognize that it’s in my favor. “Now, let’s go over the moved up filming schedule. Since we’re ahead we’ll be able to wrap up in Chicago quite a bit sooner and can get started in Los Angeles. I’ve already secured the time change with the film sets and crew.” She hands out the updated schedule and I skim it over before sliding it across the way to Tessa.

“While the director films some B roll today, I’d like Devyn to practice the driving portion with the stunt team at a track we’ve reserved. Elena, you’ll do the same with your stunt team for the big chase scene. Are there any questions?”

No one speaks up and Quinn dismisses us all, but she grabs my arm as I stand from the table, her grip gentle yet firm. Tessa stops as well.

Once the room files out, Quinn finally grins at me in that big sister sort of way. “I’m sorry about all of this. Unfortunately, it really will help if you two can pull it off. Just some coordinated dinners and dates. Things with the press are different than they used to be. Social media-” she rambles, but I cut her off. “Hey, it’s okay. I understand how it all works. I’ll do anything to make sure that this film is a success.”

Tenderly, Quinn rises to hug me and whisper, “I know that you will. I’m really proud of you.” I know she’s referring to the absence of drugs and alcohol. Since arriving, I’ve been tested almost daily and I don’

t fault them for their apprehension. They have a lot of money at stake, while I have a reputation to fix.

“So, want to tell me about the pictures I saw floating around with the waitress?” she asks and her husband groans. “Quinn, honey, leave it alone.”

With a false chuckle and smile, I pat Quinn’s shoulder and say, “It was nothing, just a friend.”

Her grin falters and then falls into a thin line. “I was hoping it would be something more. You looked really happy.”

“I was. She’s extraordinary. But it’s nothing.”

“If you say so. Oh! I meant to ask if you both wanted to join us to watch the Cubs on Saturday? We have a box reserved.”

I look over at Tessa and she nods.

“Sounds fun.”

“Great. We’ll touch base. In the meantime, I want to make sure you talk to your agent or manager about hiring some personal security. Your star is rising again just like you’ve been wanting.”

Yeah, but at what cost? I can’t help but think to myself.

“I’ll do that. You know, I really am thankful you gave me this opportunity.”

“No need to thank me. You were the right person for the role. Anyway, we have some alone time calling our name.” She winks before looking over at Trevor who sits with a wicked grin across his lips.

“I really don’t want to know. We’ll see you later.”

As they stroll out of the room, Tessa walks toward my side of the table with a grim look in her eyes. Words don’t need to be spoken, I can see her sympathy clearly, but there is nothing for her to be sorry for. My time with Larsen was short and sweet and by her lack of response to my letter, I know that our time is over.

“Hey, it’s no big deal.”

“I know, but I liked her. But maybe it’s nothing. It was a big group of people.”

I realize she’s trying to paint the picture in a different light, but it’s still just black and white. “She’s had a crush on him for a long time, Tessa, and we said we were just going to be friends. I’m happy for her, she deserves it,” I lie. Being an actor offers me the luxury of pulling off fake emotions and words to fool others, but of course, not to someone that knows me. And Tessa isn’t fooled, but she lets it go anyway.

“But what about your happiness?”

“You know that getting back to the top is all I’m after.”

Sadly, Tessa turns her gaze away from me and plays with the hem of her shirt. She has something on her mind.

“How is your dad doing with my parents?” I grimace at the mention of the people that birthed me, the pain still heavy in my chest.