I take a minute to gather my thoughts before I twist my head to gaze over at her. I knew this question was coming, and when she would visit in California I was always able to escape her scrutiny. Here, now, I’m stuck with no way out.

“You’re my best friend. Why haven’t you asked me about my family.”

“How are your parents?”

“Good, but I’m not dumb. Ask again.”

“Izzy, how is your brother?”

“That’s better. Trevor is Trevor. And I seriously hope and pray that you’ve gotten over that crazy crush you had growing up, because he’s still the captain of the douchecanoe team.”

“Douchecanoe team?”

She waves her hand in frustration. “A team of douchebags. Come on, I know you’ve heard it. Anyway, don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be too busy working to be around much. You’re supposed to be home to rest and relax.”

“And read through my script.”

“Yes, and read through your script. He promised to be on his best behavior.”

“Best behavior? He was never cruel to me. He was just… dismissive, that’s all.”

Trevor was always good at ignoring me as a teenager, and I never really knew why. Though I always supposed it was because I didn’t mix with his group of rebels and that he always saw me as his little sister, much to my dismay.

“Well, whatever it is, he’s going to leave us alone so I can cherish my time with my bestie. Go take your nap and be ready to leave by eight.”

“Got it.”

I haven’t really thought of Trevor in years. With my celebrity status, I didn’t have any personal social media accounts, just ones that were run by my publicist, so I havn’t seen or heard from him since I left. And when I would speak with Izzy, we kept our conversation light and drama free.

As I lie in bed, I think about Trevor and know that my childhood crush probably looks just as handsome now as he did then; there’s no way the infamous Trevor Shaw could be anything else. He had been my best friend just as much as Izzy, the three of us inseparable. He was always good about listening to me vent my adolescent troubles without adding any words of wisdom; he would just take me in.

Then one day that changed, and I never knew what happened. He wouldn’t say hi to me in the halls if we passed in school, or walk with me and Izzy to the ice cream shop in town. It never seemed to bother Izzy—she seemed more pleased about it than anything—but it had hurt me to lose him as a friend.

While I’m home, I should reach out to him. Find out what happened. The closure would be good, will help me move on when I go back to LA. Because let’s face it, how often does someone get the chance to prove someone wrong?

Continue Reading Between the Lines

Coming Alive

Welcome to Carson Book One



AVERY IS LATE. SHE is so late that she is tempted to take an unscheduled absence and just clock in for tomorrow

. Luck is on her side though: her boss’ car isn’t yet parked in the employee lot.

Wasting no time, Avery rushes through the sliding glass doors at the physician’s office and shoves her items into her locker. Melanie, her friend and coworker, appears behind her in the breakroom and props herself against the locker adjacent to her own.

"So, I have a thought, but I want you to hear me out."

Turning to face her, Avery can see that Melanie is doing little to mask the anxiety on her face – crinkles are knitted between her brows and bite marks of worry are on her lips. She does this when she's concerned about her. Melanie knows that a year later, Avery is still struggling to get over her fiancé’s death, as well as trying to make peace with the horrible life she attempts to keep buried in the past.

Forcing a smile, Avery asks her to continue.

"I think you need to move away."