Devyn’s hand joins mine on the iron banister, his palm covering my knuckles, his fingers sliding between my fingers. Neither of us turn our attention away from the twilight-lit sky.

“I’m sorry, Larsen. I wanted to come to you sooner, but I talked myself out of it so many times. I couldn’t forgive myself for the way we left things, for the way I accused you of such things.”

“It’s okay, Devyn.”

Jerking our hands free from the railing, he turns our bodies to face each other. His arched brows, downturned lips, quivering chin, gives away the anguish that he feels.

“It’s not okay. I hurt you and I’ll never forgive myself for that. And today I could have lost you. I can’t even conceive of a world without you in it.”

My need to soothe him rushes through my veins and I extend my hand to his face, watching as his body instantly relaxes at my touch.

“You had your reasons, Devyn. I get it. Maybe we needed to go through all of it to get to this point.”

My hand slips away as Devyn nods, but his misery never waivers.

“I. . .uh. . .I have one last letter to you. It’s not much, but I thought. . .”

He hands me the slip of paper haphazardly folded into itself.

It’s not a letter so much as it’s handwritten song lyrics. I read through the first two verses before I recognize the song as “Shameless” by Garth Brooks and go back to start at the beginning again.

As I finish, I drop my hands to find Devyn’s eyes searching my face.

“I’m yours, Larsen. I thought I needed to climb back to the top to feel alive again, but I was wrong. You. You make me feel alive.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I don’t want to go another day without you. I want us to try, for real. God, I’m messing this all up.” He shoves his hands through his hair and begins to pace. “I love you, Larsen. I love you so fucking much. Acting is my life, but you, you’re my world. And if you want me to stop acting, quit Hollywood and run that diner with you, I will. I’ll support your nursing career and help you study. I just want every day to be with you.

“God, I’m a mess, and you’re not saying anything, and I’ve screwed up everything.”

“Devyn,” I call out as I walk toward him, clasping our hands together once we’re in reach. “I love you, too. When I thought something had happened to you today, I physically ached at the idea that you were hurt.

“Our lives are short and we could take our last breath tomorrow. I don’t want to live another day knowing what it’s like not to have you.

“I told Jeff that I wasn’t coming back.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. I mean, I’ll have to get my things, but I want to be with you. We can figure it out.”

Devyn’s mouth crashes against mine and I welcome the intrusion. We’ve gone through too many days of misery to fight against this.

“Move in with me. Today. Now.” Devyn’s lips brush against mine at his command.

“There is just one problem.”

“What?” he asks before sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

“Who is going to tell Tessa?”

“She probably already knows.”

I nod at the truth of his words. That woman knows everything.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”