“His apartment was scattered with shrines to Elena. He seems to have been following her career since she began. However, he acted more as an obsessed fan. He wanted her to have whatever it is she desired.”

Beside me, Devyn’s entire body curls into itself. “Me.”

“We believe so. And when Larsen entered the picture, he sought a way to remove her.”

“The letters.” My recollection causes my limbs to shiver when I think of all the images.

“Yes. He paid various people to deliver the letters to you. We found images of you and Mr. Dane edited together as well as your address and various others around Shady Pines. After a quick search in the police databank, we found the investigation the department in your town placed.”

“Do you. . .do you think he’s the cause for Devyn’s crash today?”

“What crash?” The officer slips his hand into his back pocket and pulls out a pen and small spiral notebook.

“During filming my scene today the car’s brake line seems to have been cut. I walked away unscathed, but if he intended to get rid of Larsen, he had a perfect opportunity.”

“He did look angry to see me when Elena saw me at Craft services.”

The officer continues to scribble in his notepad, and I take the moment to quench my thirst. The water soothes the ache and dryness in my throat. I don’t even bother to wipe my chin as the corners of my mouth spill some of the contents until I pull the bottle away.

Looking up from his pad of paper, the Officer cracks a smile for the first time since I arrived. “If we can tie him to this, he will get charged with attempted murder along with attempted kidnapping.

“Thank you all for seeing me. I’ll be in touch when we know more or if we have more questions.”

Devyn begins to rise from the couch, but Tommy gestures for him to stay seated as he escorts the officer to the door.

“So, I should probably call my uncle.”

“Probably.” Devyn leans forward, his strong arms resting on his thighs, his beautiful face tilted toward the floor. His voice mimics his dejected stance.

Walking up to me Tessa hands me my small bag.

“You know, that phone saved you today. I installed the tracking system I use on Devyn’s onto yours as a precaution. Didn’t think I’d need it.”

I don’t need to ask her when or how, but knowing that her paranoid nature rescued me from the crazed man leaves me gasping for air. I jump off the couch and slam my body against hers, holding one of the closest people I have to a friend tightly in my arms.

I know that I’m going to have to do something special for her to understand my gratitude.

“I’m going to call Jeff now. Do you mind if I use your room again?”

“Go ahead.”


The porch off the back of the house beats my balcony any day. After the conversation with Uncle Jeff, everything seems clearer than the muddled mess it had been before. When my life and choices seemed more like the serration of my wounds, the choice I needed to make was always overshadowed.

The sun settles just above the tree line. Shades of pinks and oranges scatter across the sky in a beautiful tango. A push and pull against the wind and clouds.

“Figured I’d find you out here.”

The moment his voice reaches my ears, my tension floats away.

“Your view is better than mine.”

“I’d definitely have to argue with you on that.” Devyn’s voice is darker, huskier, and it causes me to turn my head to look at him over my shoulder. He isn’t looking at the sunset or the view, he’s looking at me. Taking me in, memorizing each inch of my body. I can’t help the blush that rises on my cheeks as I turn back to watch the sun drift below the branches.

The at

traction between us alters as he approaches, the electricity shifting with every step that brings him closer until he is standing right next to me. The pull between us is so strong that I’m certain if I lit a match the air would combust around us.