But she’s on high alert when we reach the top of my stairwell. Something triggers her instincts and she tells me to step back.

I pull out my phone and check my security systems app – no alarms.

She reaches out and twists the brass doorknob, finding it unlocked. She draws her gun and slinks into the space.

The wall ahead of me blurs – my vision growing hazy at the thought of someone breaking into my apartment. Reaching out for the railing on the stairs, my shaking hand almost misses the metal bar with the chipping gray paint.

A scream sounds from behind my apartment door and my feet start moving before I can think better of it. I trip on the top step in my haste to get to Tawny, my palms slapping against the linoleum floor.

Pushing off the ground, I rush toward my apartment door and stop short at the entrance. Tawny stands with her hands up, her gun lying on the ground before her. Opposite stands Tessa, a small and steady pistol in her grasp looking as cool as a cucumber.


“This woman just tried to get into your apartment,” Tessa calmly states as she walks closer to Tawny.

“Tawny was bringing me home. She’s a police officer.”

“Oh.” Tessa has the decency to look apologetic, but only slightly. “Well, perhaps you should announce yourself before walking in on someone.”

My protector quickly defends herself. “You shouldn’t break into apartments.”

Tessa’s face morphs as if she’s been slapped, her eyes widen, mouth hangs agape. Like she’s never been accused of such things.

“I did not break in. I disabled the security system with the code and used a key to gain entrance.”

In unison, Tawny and I ask, “How?”

“You think I can let Devyn go off on his own and not have security measures in place? He’s not just a celebrity, he’s family.”

“It’s still trespassing,” Tawny points out as Tessa lowers her pistol and tucks it back into her purse.

“Semantics. Sorry, but I need to have a conversation with Larsen. A private conversation.”

Two sets of inquisitive eyes turn on me and I nod agreeing to listen to what Tessa has to say.

“Thanks, Tawny. I’ll see you in the morning.”

The officer bends down to retrieve her gun and looks back to Tessa standing without a perfect brown strand of hair out of place.

“You know if you’re ever looking to change professions, we’re always looking for new recruits.”

“I don’t take commands very well.”

I watch their small conversation unfold in front of me, their reciprocated interest blossoms before my eye.

“I could train you.”

“I bet you’d like to try.”

Feeling like an outsider in my own apartment, I prepare to take a step back and let their teasing continue, but Tawny’s phone rings breaking their moment.

“Tomorrow,” she murmurs to me as she steps out in a hastened pace, not giving Tessa a second glance.

“Huh,” I murmur as I shut the door to the apartment and set the multiple locks in place. Tossing my bag on my kitchen counter, I sidle up onto one of the barstools and give my attention to my unexpected guest. “I didn’t realize you were into women.”

She shrugs and then comes to join me on the other stool. “I’m attracted to both. Now, the reason why I’m here. Look at this.”

She slides her sleek phone across the counter to me, and at first, I’m not sure what I’m looking at until my eyes focus on the zoomed-in picture.