“Send it to me now. I want Tommy to look at it. He’s a retired cop.”

I shrug my shoulders, forgetting that he can’t see the movement. “Larsen?”

“Yeah, okay. Hold on a second.” I flip the phone around and send him the image before putting the phone on speaker as I enter my apartment.

“When was that image of you taken?” he asks urgently. I can hear his whispers to another party on my end of the call.

“Um. . .maybe four days ago? I was leaving the Community College in the next town to take a proctored exam. I had just called you to tell you that I saw that an entertainment channel was airing a story about you.”

“That’s right. Okay, mine was taken almost two days before that. I was on set listening to a voicemail from you. Shit, I wish that I was there with you.”

“I know. Oh, hey, I saw that news article about you and Elena being Hollywood’s hottest couple.”

His answering groan sends shivers down my spine, but the good kind, the kind that leaves your panties melting in its wake.

“That dinner was a nightmare. She sent back two different dishes. I wish it had been you there.”

His words seep through my ear to my beating heart. I know that he means the truth. Devyn hasn’t made it a secret that he wishes things were different and that he wants to see me the moment he can get away.

“Ah, but I wouldn’t know what to do at a fancy place like that. You looked good, though.”

“Did I?”

“You know that you did. Don’t fish for compliments.”

“How’s your uncle?”

“You should know, you speak to him just as much as I do.”

It’s the truth, Devyn calls my uncle every day, whether to check-in or to ask about me.

“Did he hear back from the bank?” Jeff went to the bank to request a business loan to cover the recent expenses and bills we’ve incurred. Devyn has tried to give him money, but the stubborn man refuses to have any investors.

“They denied his request. They saw the steady drop of income and compared it against the rising cost of expenses and they just couldn’t see him being able to make the payments.”

“I could help if he’d let me.”

“And you know he won’t.” Jeff has too much pride. Allowing Devyn to pay my medical bill was one thing, but he won’t take a cent from anyone to help the business.

“Shit, I’m being called to set. We’re filming until midnight. Same time tomorrow?”

“Yep. Be safe.”

“You too, Angel.”

He’s started using a new nickname for me – Angel. And I secretly love it. When I asked him why he chose that moniker, he said when I showed up on set in Chicago, I looked like an Angel from Heaven.

It was sweet and since I’ve never been called anything other than my name or some insulting term, I happily accept it.

Despite our fear of having to shut down the diner and small store next door, a steady stream of traffic increases for the next two weeks. Where there would typically be open tables and booths, we have a line forming down the sidewalk.

Uncle Jeff believes that he may be able to salvage the businesses after all. Things are picking up. I only wish that Devyn could be here to see the joy on the community’s faces.

Walking into the diner through the back entrance, I toss my bag onto the hook in exchange for my apron.

“Busy morning?” I ask Tucker and Joanne as I pass by heading toward the counter, smiling at the customers as I grab a glass of water.

“Been non-stop since open. Larsen.” Joanne grabs my arm as she comes to stand next to me. “There are quite a few people here asking for you. I don’t know if they’re fans or reporters, but we all think that you should probably stay in the kitchen today. Karen offered to work the tables for you.”