“How’s it going?” Cole asks as he settles into the booth across from me instead of his usual perch at the counter.

I look up from my nursing textbook and smile. Since my return, Cole has become a good friend. Always checking in to make sure that I’m okay. Classes have just started back, so I’ve been busy immersing myself in my studies.

“Hey. It’s good. Just reviewing Anatomy and Physiology before my exam tonight. How are you?”

“Hanging in there. I’m coaching volleyball this year and teaching, I don’t have much time for much else.”

I nod in understanding. Outside of working at the diner, helping Jeff at the shop, stocking the convenience store shelves, and studying I don’t have time for much else either. I have managed to carve out extra time for my calls with Devyn in the evenings he’s available. Texting makes it much easier to figure out when we’re both free.

“So, I don’t know if you

saw this,” Cole adds as he slips a magazine in front of me. Looking down I take in the new picture of Devyn and Elena leaving a popular restaurant in L.A. His hand is resting gently on her lower back as he ushers her to the car. They look stunning together. There is definitely a reason why the casting directors paired them.

The headline reads: “Two of Hollywood’s Hottest Stars are Heating Up Off Set.”

It’s the lie they’ve chosen to feed the world, and normally it would hurt, and maybe there is a pang in my chest at seeing them together, but I understand.

“Thanks, but you didn’t have to do that. It’s from last Thursday. He told me that they were having dinner.”

I put the kibosh on the rest of the conversation by sliding the magazine back toward him and turn my attention back to my book. But my focus is lost and as I look back up I notice that the diner has grown silent. Even the Fishes are staring at me in wonder.

“What?” I ask harshly.

“We just don’t know how you do it. How can you let him treat you this way?”

“Easy, because we aren’t anything. Sure, things would be different if our lives allowed it, but they don’t. We’re never going to be anything more than friends. And furthermore, he isn’t in a relationship with Elena.”

“Are you sure about that?” Cole presses. “They look awfully cozy to me.”

“He’s an actor. He’s just doing his job,” I defend.

“Exactly. That’s my point. How can you believe that he’s being truthful to you?”

Unable to listen anymore, I slam my book closed and stuff it into my bag. Standing from the booth, I look at him pointedly in the eye. I ignore the fact that my scars are burning beneath the heat of my anger.

“I trust him. That’s all you need to worry about.”

Without a backward glance, I stomp away from the diner, hating the chaos I’m leaving in my wake.

I feel like I am being put on trial and the jury has already come to their conclusion, not that I need to defend my relationship with Devyn. Our worlds won’t allow us to be anything more than what we already are.

As if summoned by my thoughts my phone rings – Devyn.

At least my walk home with Devyn on the other end of the call will ease my tension.

And when I grab the mail, looking over another anonymous letter within the stack, it doesn’t dampen my mood.

“I got another one, Devyn.” I say it no differently than if we were discussing the weather.

“What is that? Fourteen?”


“Sixteen. But this one is a little different.”

“How so? Send me a picture.”

“It’s not the text but the snapshot with it. This time it has both of our images X’d out. And it’s an edited photo. Like we weren’t together at the time. You’re on the phone in one half, and I’m on the phone in another.”