Chuckling I grab some body wash and squeeze a blob into my palms, rubbing my palms together to create a lather. “I’ll take care of you.”


I’m not paying much attention to the game. Instead, my focus is on the woman off in the corner with my friend and one of the production assistants. The girls are laughing amongst themselves and Larsen seems to be enjoying their company as much as they are hers.

When we finally emerged from the shower earlier, I was surprised to watch Larsen tug on a white and blue Baseball T-shirt and a pair of frayed denim shorts. She wasn’t hiding any part of herself, even though she knew there was a chance of them being spotted.

“I like her,” Trevor says beside me as we stand along the railing in the studio box.

“Yeah?” I ask, taking a swig from my bottle of water, not even wishing that it were a beer.

“She’s a good fit for you. I mean, she’s gorgeous. No one can argue that, but she has depth too.”

“You got all that from your minute introduction?” The cop takes a jab at my bicep in response to my comment.

“Look, we both know how Hollywood goes, and how you can’t trust anyone as far as you can throw ‘em. Just like Quinn could trust me, you can trust that one. I have good instincts, you know.”

Grabbing everyone’s attention, Elena strolls into the room, her help trailing behind. Unlike everyone else, she’s dressed to the nines in designer clothing, standing out amongst the crowd. She commands the attention, which is fine by me.

Using the opportunity, I slap Trevor on the shoulder and thank him for the chat as he turns back to watch the game. My steps lead me to the women I had been eying earlier, one woman in particular.

Quinn gives me a wink as she grabs the other female, leaving me alone with my conquest.

“Want to see the game up close?” I whisper into her ear as I lean in.

“Really?” Her eyes sparkle in excitement, reminding me of an Anime cartoon as they glisten under the overhead lighting.

Reaching down, I grip her hand and lead her from the room. I can sense Tommy following us, but he’s not intrusive, so I barely notice. I grab two Cubs baseball hats, tucking one on my head with my sunglasses and then doing to the same to Larsen.

Damn, she looks adorable in a hat.

“Stay close,” I tell her as I take us down the stairwell, depositing us in the general stands.

“Quinn reserved seats along the first base as well. Before we head down, do you want anything to eat or drink?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you. I can’t believe that I’m here at Wrigley Field. Did you know that it’s real ivy on the back wall?”

“Researching on the internet again?” I ask as we take the steps downward.

“I don’t like to go into anything blindly. Except for maybe you,” she adds, the words quiet among the screams of the stands.

“What do you mean?” I ask as we slide down to our seats.

“You crashed into my town. You were a complete surprise. I wasn’t prepared for you.”

Reaching my arm around her shoulders, tugging her close, I whisper in her ear, “I wasn’t prepared for you either.”

We’re in our own world during the game, the fans around us no more than white noise in the background. During the seventh inning, I start feeling melancholy about Larsen leaving tomorrow and by the way her hand never leaves mine I think she feels the same.

The only flight we could find has her leaving the hotel at six in the morning, far sooner than either of us wants.

We decide to leave the park early and grab a world-famous hot dog on our way out. Both of us seeking seclusion from our surroundings and craving the company of each other alone in the hotel room.

Back at the hotel, as I slide between her open legs, I feel my emotions for her stronger than ever. And as we make love, her mouth open in rapture as I try to reach the deepest depths of her body, I feel a connection I’ve never experienced before. She makes me want to risk it all.

We don’t sleep, each of us savoring our time together, wrapped in each other’s arms while lying in bed in the darkened room, the only illumination coming from the television playing an old black and white sitcom.

Solemnly she packs her bag in the morning and I try my hardest to keep my emotions at bay.