“Great. I’ll be right back.”

Jeff turns in his chair to join me in watching her lithe body maneuver through the tables and head toward the front door, but I can feel the protective instinct in him pulsating in waves. She makes it two steps from the door and the man from earlier, the man that had been watching her with an interested look in his eye, slips passed the threshold as well. I’m so focused on watching Larsen’s body that I didn’t even notice him sliding from his seat at the counter and following her out.

“Who’s that guy?” I ask Jeff, my gaze never wavering, as if held in a trance.

“That’s Cole. He’s a middle school teacher. Math, I think. He’s from Northern California.”

Steady. Safe. Everything Larsen needs.

“How long has he been sniffing around?”

Jeff turns in his seat and looks me over, his protective sense even stronger now than before.

“That is a pretty new development. My guess is since you’ve come to town. But Larsen has had a crush on him since he moved to town a couple of years ago. We don’t have many residents her age. Mostly travelers stop through for a few days before continuing their journey. Fish. That’s what we call them.”

Makes sense that he would be the man Larsen is interested in. It won’t be hard to get him to ask her out on a date, especially if I’m in town. Jealousy plays a heavy hand. But getting Larsen confident enough to accept the date will be tough. Even as new friends I had to practically twist her arm to go out with me tonight.

Jeff allows me to ponder that development a while longer, the silence between us working as a blank canvas for my thoughts. Thoughts of Cole getting to walk with Larsen, take her on dates, kiss her, make love to her. To my Larsen.

My Larsen? I think to myself as if the concept writes itself in bold bright lettering deep inside my mind and I can’t ignore it.

Obviously, I’m attracted to her, even though I shouldn’t be. It would be hard not to be. She’s not only stunning on the outside, but she is on the inside as well. A true diamond in the rough that hides behind the jagged scars that she feels hold her back. They do little to detract from her exquisiteness.

“Hey, son?” Jeff’s voice pulls me back from my mental examination. “Did you forget your wallet?”

I stare at him in confusion, definitely feeling the press of my wallet against my backside.

Shaking my head slowly, my eyes narrow as I wonder what Jeff is alluding to. “No. . .?”

“Are you sure? I’m pretty certain that you’ve forgotten it in. Your. Apartment.” He punctuates each word until his meaning finally sinks in. He wants me to go to Larsen, pull her away from Cole, keep her mind on me.

Without dawdling, I rise from the table and place a friendly slap on Jeff’s shoulder. Alarmingly he reaches up and grips my hand that had just whacked his body. My attention pulled away from the woman of the hour, now completely focused on her uncle.

“I like you. I believe that you’re here for a reason, that your car broke down in the spot that destiny assigned to you. But make no mistake, if you hurt that precious girl in any way, shape or form, you won’t have just me to worry about. There is an entire town of people that will come after you.”

His speech is made to scare me. Your typical fatherly proclamation of, “Hurt my daughter and I know a thousand ways to kill you and bury your body so that you’re never found.” But instead of cowering like most men, because I am most certainly not most men, I return his grip by squeezing his shoulder. I am Dev

yn Dane after all.

“I can appreciate the way you all look out for her. You don’t have to worry about me hurting her, I’m offering her my friendship and nothing more. Like I told her yesterday, everyone can use a friend.”

His grip loosens and the corners of his mouth and eyes droop. They remind me of that painting that looks like everything is melting. Jeff’s face looks like it’s been hit by a heat wave.

“Larsen does need friends. Ones her own age. She spends all of her time working, or helping me, healing me. Since my wife died she doesn’t make any time for herself. She is completely focused on making sure everyone else is taken care of. But rarely does she take time for herself. I’m not even sure she’s had a day off since Susan’s death.

“So, I appreciate your offer of friendship. We all want to see her happy.”

I have no words in response. I’m not sure I could muster up the thanks he deserves for having confidence in me. The only other person that has placed their trust in my hands has been Quinn. And just like I won’t let her down with this new film, I won’t let Jeff down either.

Squeezing his shoulder, I quickly make my escape and duck out of the diner just as a group of tourists pull up in their huge RV. I watch pedestrians along the sidewalk whip out their phones, most likely taking video or pictures of me that will end up on their social media pages. They’ll be too grainy for any of the gossip papers to publish without confirmation, and by that time I’ll be long gone.

I keep my head down as I walk briskly back to the apartment, my mind totally set on helping Larsen realize how amazing she is. I want to help plant and bloom her confidence.

Once I leave the main strip of businesses, about two full and long blocks, the crowd thins out until I’m alone as I make my trek back to the apartment. My palms are actually sweating as my nerves grow the closer I get to our floor. I just step onto the landing as Larsen’s door swings open.

At first I think it’s Cole stepping through, but I’m stunned to see Larsen back out of the opening as she shuts the door behind her.

“Oh,” she gasps, turning around to find me hovering close by.