Which was fine with me. I needed to text Mimi to make sure she wasn’t spending me into the poor house. I would pay for a douchebag in the name of charity and to help out the adorable Mrs. Dolan. But I wasn’t going to sacrifice my shoe habit. Such as it was.

There was a shuffle at the front of the ballroom. The auctioneer on stage appeared very pleased with himself for having “sold” some guy named Bill or Bud—or was it Brodin?—for the highest amount in today’s action.

And the lucky sucker who got him?


The room broke out in applause, and my phone blew up with texts from Mimi, quite pleased with herself.

I thanked her. What else could I say? She’d done what I’d asked her to do. Now, all I had to do was pay for the date, suffer through some time with him, and call it a day.

I’d done my duty for the Avenue A homeless shelter and Mrs. Dolan until their next fundraiser rolled around.

There was a tug on my sleeve.

Mrs. Dolan was beaming. “Nara, you got a good one, I tell ya. They saved the best for last! Now, let me take you up front to meet your new date.”

She started moving toward the stage before she realized I wasn’t following. “Sweetie? C’mon.” She gestured with her head. The tight perm curls didn’t move.

Ugh. I’d meet the guy on our date, and not a moment sooner.

“I need to get back to work. I’ll follow up with my date later.” I glanced at my watch for effect.

Where was Mimi? Maybe she could go on the date for me…

“Well, okay. If you insist. But I’ve known the young man since he was little. He’s a nice guy, I tell you.”

Nah. I was good.

Mimi finally appeared at my side, red curls bouncing. Like always, she was the picture of efficiency.

“Thanks, Mrs. Dolan,” I said, bending to give her a quick hug. She smelled like powder. “I’ll let you know how the date goes. But I have to head out right now.”

Mimi sensed something in my urgency. That’s why she was my assistant. I’d be lost without her and her sixth sense.

“Nara! Our Uber is here! Gotta go!” She took me by the elbow, thank god.

“I’ll be in touch soon,” I called over my shoulder as we ran.

As we flew out the door, I saw my future date walking around like a puffed up peacock.

It was gonna be one fun date.