“It was great,” I said, nodding. “Until I woke up this morning to hear him talking about moving to San Francisco. Apparently, it’s supposed to happen very soon.”

I caught the hitch in my throat before Joi heard it.

“He’s moving and didn’t tell you?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

“Correct. Apparently, he’s leaving town. Never bothered telling me. Nice guy, huh?” I slammed my desk drawer so hard my pencil cup went crashing off my desk.

There went my Mommy Knows mug, smashed to bits.

“Maybe there’s some kind of misunderstanding?” she asked hopefully.

After picking up the shards of my mug, I huffed back to my chair. With nowhere to put my pens, I just dropped them on top of my desk where they landed like Pickup Stix.

“I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m just done. Done, done, done.” I buried my face in my hands.

Joi jumped up and put her arm around me. “Okay. I’m sorry, sweetie. This just sucks. Hey, look at me.”

I took my hands off my face. “Yeah?”

“We have a big day ahead. Let’s focus, and afterward, we’ll go out for a nice dinner.”

I nodded slowly. I needed a damn vacation. Maybe I should have planned to go back for my reunion.

No wait, scratch that.

That was the last thing I needed—to feel like even more of a freak than I did when growing up there.

We got to work on the last of our testing. We had to make sure our app could confidently tell the difference between number one and number two.

Such a glamorous life I led.