The playroom was even more sexy than the lounge area.

Filmy curtains hung floor to ceiling, fluttering with the movement of people in the room. Large sofas and round mattresses were scattered about, covered in soft, plushy fabric.

What I really wanted to see was the woman who’d gone up the stairs with the two men.

“You good? You okay with this?” Brodie asked, squeezing my hand.

“Yeah,” I breathed. “It’s very cool.”

I was staring. I couldn’t help it.

We made a lap around the floor.

In one corner, a woman sat on a big cushy chair with her dress pushed up to her hips. A man knelt before her, his face buried between her legs.

He must have been pretty good at what he was doing, because the look on her face was one of pure ecstasy. She reached for his head and pulled him deeper, tossing her own head back and forth, bucking her hips, and releasing a moan that made me weak in my knees.

It was as if by watching her, I was experiencing her orgasm, too.

While I stood there, watching, Brodie pressed his lips to my neck. My skin exploded in goosebumps from his surprise attack. I turned to him, planting my hands on the sides of his gorgeous face, which was prickly from not having shaved since morning.

I couldn’t wait to feel his rough skin burning the inside of my thighs.

It was so naughty. And thrilling.

Just then, one of the billowy curtains floated aside, catching my eye. There, behind it, were the two men and woman I’d seen downstairs.


The woman lay on her back with one of the men positioned by her head, his cock thrust in her mouth. The other man had one of her thighs draped over his shoulder, his hand invisible beneath her skirt. From the noises she made, I think it was safe to say his fingers were inside her, giving her the pleasure of her life.

“Hot, isn’t it?” Brodie murmured in my ear.

“Um…yes,” I swallowed, feeling dry. “Could we get another drink?”

“Sure, baby.”

His arm tightened around me, and we walked to a small bar in the corner where we ordered more bubbly.

I leaned against the bar for support and realized perspiration was running down my temples.

I was woozy from the warm room, my heady voyeurism, and the promise of oh so many things…