“In the end, it was a mistake.”

He finished his chewing and asked, “How so?”

Big sigh. “Contrary to our agreement, he now won’t give me a divorce, and he wants his ten thousand dollars back. I don’t have the money, and he’s threatening to tell my investors. That would ruin my company.”

A rush of emotions suddenly overwhelmed me. A lump built in my throat and my eyes filled with tears. Great, crying on a date. Good going, Nara. But it felt good to tell him.

If this didn’t scare him off, I didn’t know what would.

“Jesus,” Brodie said. “What a fucking dick.”

It was as if his sympathetic understanding broke a hole in the dike holding my emotions, because out of the blue I found myself sobbing quietly. I blew my nose into the high-end linen napkin on my lap.

“I’m so sorry,” I said between hiccups. “I didn’t mean to get emotional on you. It’s just that this has really been weighing on me. I’m a wreck over it.”

“Christ, I don’t blame you. What a shitty thing to go through.”

I nodded. “Yup. Karma, I guess. That’s what I get for breaking the law.”

“What a story.”

The waiter dropped off our dinner, and seeing my face, disappeared just as quickly.

“You’re not kidding,” I said, wiping away the last of my tears with the back of my hand.

“What are you gonna do about it?” he asked.

I thought for a sec.

“I’m not really sure yet. On one hand if he exposes me, it could be the end of my company. But on the other, he would be deported. Although he seems to have figured that out. He’s ready to hide under a fake identity.”

He shook his head in disgust. “This guy sounds like more of a loser every minute.”

“Yup. And I married him.”

I arched my neck and rolled my shoulders. It felt damn good to have gotten that off my back.

“Now, you tell me something,” I said, although it was doubtful he had anything half as dramatic as I did.

He sliced into his filet mignon. “A couple years ago, my father was convicted of fraud and embezzlement. He’s in prison now.”

He popped a bite of steak into his mouth.

Holy shit. Now that was a story.

“Damn,” was all I could say. That was why dad was no longer in the hotel business. Okay.

“Yup. That’s what I said when I found out.”

“Where is he in prison?” I asked.

“Oh, not far from here. Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining. About an hour north of the city.”

“Wow,” I said. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Let me tell, you, so was I.”