
“Hey, Nara, can I come in?”

Without waiting for an answer, Michael, the company’s accounting guy, invited himself into my cube.

“What’s up?” I asked.

I’d been immersed in our software development schedule. Talking about money was about the last thing I was interested in at that moment.

Although seeing him made my heart speed up. Just a smidge. His close-cropped blond hair and beard made him cute but rugged. The kind of guy you want to take home to mom. And yeah, I’ll admit it—we’d kissed before. And other things.

But that had been a while ago.

“I’m fine, Nara, thank you for asking,” he snapped.

Oops. I held up my hands in a gesture of surrender.

“Sorry, Michael. I was in the middle of the dev schedule.”

He leaned forward. “I wanted to go over the payroll with you. But first, I thought I’d tell you how hot you look today.”

Oh, cripes.

“Michael.” I stood and looked over the cubicle wall to ensure no one was close enough to have heard him.

“Not in the office, okay?”

As I sat back down, I realized his gaze was wandering all over me.

Was he really in here to talk about payroll? The folder on his lap just sat there, unopened.

“Hey.” He lowered his voice, too. “When can we go out again?”

Okay. Now I knew what this was about.

“I don’t know. I’m pretty busy, and you know Joi’s wedding is coming up, and I’m the maid of honor.”

Sure he and I had messed around a couple times in the past after a few too many drinks. But I didn’t see myself dating someone like him and he probably didn’t see himself dating me, either.

He just wanted to get his rocks off.

“Why don’t we go to the wedding as dates?” he asked with a smarmy grin. He’d been invited just like everyone in the office had.

But I didn’t need a date.

“Let’s just meet there. I’ll save you a dance, okay?”

His back stiffened, and he huffed a laugh. “You don’t have to patronize me. You didn’t seem to mind spending time together when I was licking your pussy, did you?”

“Jesus, Michael,” I hissed. “Shut up!”

Mimi stuck her head around the corner of my cube wall. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were in a meeting. I’ll come back.”

She turned to leave.

“Wait, Mimi. What’s up?” Maybe she could help me get rid of him.

She glanced at her watch. “It’s almost time for the dev meeting. Folks are gathering in the conference room.”

“Right!” I popped up from my desk. “Was there anything else you needed, Michael? Could we finish the payroll stuff later?”

The asshole smirked. For god’s sake. New York was full of women. Go find another.

Michael glared at me and filed out, followed by Mimi.

“Be there in a sec,” I called after them.

I reached for my buzzing phone.

Well, I’ll be darned. It was a text from Brodie.

you free for a drink?

Hmmm. I’d have to give that one some thought. I hustled to the conference room.

* * *

The development meeting went about as well as it always did, which meant not well at all.

The two lead developers—the guys who worked tirelessly to make the Mommy Knows app come to life in line with my vision for it—hated each other. I didn’t know why. And I didn’t care why.

All I wanted was for the app to be ready for the next round of beta-testing moms. We’d been experiencing some “false positives” where the app was notifying users of a dirty diaper when it was still clean.

That was bad. Really bad.

When I had filled out those high school aptitude tests, I never suspected I’d be thinking about pee and poop all day long.

I turned to look at my ringing phone. It was Simon. Lovely. I imagined for a sec blowing him off, but he was unpredictable, and I didn’t want to mess with him. Especially while I was trying to get him to divorce me.

I ran back to my desk.

“Hello.” I hated being civil to him.

“Nara, darling! How’s my little wifey doing?”