Chapter 34


Ientered the club, not entirely sure what I was doing there. I guess I just didn’t know what else to do.

I looked around the place, which exploded with endless carnal possibilities. The pre-play flirtation had always been a heady aphrodisiac, and I wove through the crowd of beautiful men and women, saying hello and shaking hands until reaching the bar.

“What may I help you with tonight?” The bartender, one I’d never seen before, wiped an invisible spot on the bar.

“Maker’s Mark with ginger. And a lime, please.”

“Coming right up, sir.”

It didn’t take long for M to appear at my flank.

“G. Wonderful to see you tonight.”

“Hi there.” After last time’s encounter, it was hard to summon any enthusiasm for the bitch.

“Can we talk?”

I sipped my drink and shrugged. “Sure.”

“In my office?” She took my hand.

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

I’d been to her office once before, a long time ago. It hadn’t changed. She closed the door behind us and gestured that I should take the seat next to her.

Instead, I sat in a large wingback chair, crossed a foot over my knee, and leaned back, drink in hand. “What can I help you with, M?”

She looked annoyed I hadn’t taken the seat she’d offered.

“G, as you know, I’ve had some concerns about your friend, B, and her intentions with regard to attending the club.”

She ran her fingers through her long, wavy hair.

“She’s being banned from the club. I wanted you to know that since you’ve spent time with her.”

“M, I am quite sure she won’t be coming back to Club Silk.”


“She and I…had a disagreement. I wouldn’t expect to see her back here.”

She filled the room with a loud sigh, and leaned back onto the sofa. “All right then. That takes care of that.”

But she continued. “One of the reasons I wanted you to know is that if she tries to return, I can’t say she will be safe.”

Was she kidding?

“Look, M, I know you don’t like her, and I’m sure you have your reasons, but what’s with the melodrama?”

Unable to help myself, I laughed. “C’mon. She won’t be safe? You’re kidding right?”

Her face hardened, and even in the warm room I felt a chill. She studied me, her expression unchanged, in perfect control as always. “You heard me,” she said in a low voice.

I rose from my seat, ready to explode. “You’ve got to be kidding. Please tell me you are. What is this, the KGB? You’re just gonna make people you don’t like disappear?”

I was getting louder with every word.

She held her hands up as if to calm me. “I said nothing of the sort.”


“I’m outta here.” I pointed a finger at her. “And you’re a crazy bitch.”

I headed for the door, but before I reached it, she called after me like a dagger in the back.

“G, you know I’m right to protect the club. Our club. What would you do without it?”

“Fuck you,” I said.

But she’d hit a tender spot. She knew very well how much I depended on the place. Goddammit.

I couldn’t get away from her fast enough and beelined from her office straight to the Twist room. I knocked, and the door flew open.

“My man!” said the bouncer, who extended a friendly hand in greeting.

I should have just gone home but couldn’t. I just couldn’t. I hated that I was so weak, and hated even more that M saw it so clearly.

The bouncer patted me on the back. “You don’t look so happy tonight, my friend. Why don’t you just relax and take in the scene? I guarantee it’ll cheer you up.”

I settled into a corner chair and pulled out my phone.

Shit, shit, shit.

I had to get in touch with Saffi. I scrolled through my contacts and hit dial. While waiting for her phone to ring, I watched a woman slide a glass dildo in and out of another. Normally, I’d be all over that shit. But tonight, I had more important things to worry about.

The call rang once and announced the number was not available. It then went directly to a voicemail box that did not contain her greeting.

Wrong number.

I re-dialed. Again, there was one ring, followed by an announcement. The call went to voicemail.

It dawned on me.

She’d blocked my number.

How was I going to get in touch with her, now?

I exited the private room, pushed my way through the crowd, and left the club. Removing my mask, I ran to the car.