“It was fantastic.”

“Huh?” was all I could manage.

Was he messing with me? Because it sure seemed like it.

“I don’t get it.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “What’s not to get? The work you did was fantastic. Really, really top-notch.”

Good thing I was sitting down. I glanced around for a trash can in case I could no longer keep my stomach in check. “Are you serious? You’re not joking?”

He was fucking with me. I hated him. Mean, bad man.

“Why the hell would I joke about something like this? The story’s great. All it needs is a little tweaking, and we can run it.”

The envelope I’d been holding fluttered to the floor. Before I could pick it up, Ed grabbed it.

“This for me?” he asked, seeing his name on the front. He started to open it.

“No!” I snatched it from his hands. “Um, it’s something personal. For my cousin Ed. I need to mail it later.” I crammed it in my back pocket.

“Okay. Let’s talk about what needs to be done to finish the story. I really want to get you on to your next assignment.”

He blathered on for another fifteen minutes, but to be honest I only heard about every tenth word. I nodded in agreement and even spat out a few questions that I hoped didn’t sound idiotic.

But when I returned to my cube, where my Chinese food was waiting, I knew just what I had to do.