Chapter 22


Iwas so blown away by the hot as hell girl-on-girl scene unfolding before me that I nearly missed the vibrating phone in my skirt pocket.

I tore myself away from watching the woman using a strap-on, glancing back as I left. I had to admire their complete dedication to pretending the big faux-penis was a real, live cock. After all, they’d stroked and sucked it like it was. And then, fucked each crazy other with it.

you coming? a message from G said.

Was he already there? And if so, where? I looked around in panic but his distinctive mask was nowhere in sight.

almost there,I lied. I needed time to run to the ladies’ to rinse off the sweat I’d accumulated. And of course hide my mask.

I finger combed my hair and touched up my lipstick. Hid the mask in my purse. Ready to go.

I headed for the first floor, with no idea where G might have been, to try and pretend I was just arriving. And there was M, watching me, like always.

Did she know something?

But I ignored her. From my position on the stairs, I evaluated the floor below. No sign of G. He wasn’t likely on the third either since that seemed to be where the hard-core partiers hung out. I ventured back to the second, where I approached the bartender I’d kissed the night before.

I beckoned him closer with a finger. He didn’t recognize me without my mask, which was just as well.

“Hey, maybe you can help me find a friend. His name is G, and he wears a full-length mask. Venetian style.”

The express on his face changed, becoming downright unfriendly. “Sorry. Can’t help you.”


I poured on what hoped was just the right amount of indignation.

“Relax. I didn’t ask for his name or social security number. I’m supposed to meet him here for a date.” I dramatically stormed away from the bar.

What was with the place and its damn secrets?

I wandered around the floor, casually poking my head into one party room after another. Just as I was about to give up and text him to set up a rendezvous point, I spotted him near the same bar I’d just left. He was facing away, which was perfect.

I could watch him.

Naturally, he was wearing his mask. He watched the people filing by, occasionally nodding at someone or raising his glass in a toast.

But a tap on my shoulder distracted me.

“B, my dear friend,” M said in her warm, dripping voice. “Having a good evening?”

What did she want now?I took a deep breath to conceal my irritation.

“What can I do for you, M?” I asked impatiently.

Her head snapped back at my tone, which was fine with me. The last thing I wanted was for her to think she was getting to me.

“Why are you watching G? I’m not sure I’m comfortable with your behavior,” she said sweetly.

Passive aggressive bitch.

“I’m meeting him tonight, and was thinking about how gorgeous and mysterious he was.” I faced her head on. “Is there something wrong with that?”

She ran her hand up my arm, and up to my face, where she cupped my cheek. It was astounding how presumptuous she was.

“Actually, yes. People come here to mingle and to play. Not to spy on one another.” She pursed her lips, studying me. “Some might say you are invading his privacy.”

I looked down at my feet, then back up. I wanted to punch her, but instead decided to comply with her strange rules. “I understand. Checking someone out is not cool. I gotcha.”

I decided to lay it on. “It’s just that I have a fondness for watching. But I’ll curb that.” I tried to look contrite. “Thank you for letting me know this was not in the spirit of the club.”

“You are welcome, B. You are always welcome.” She finally left.

The woman was paranoid.

Although…she had good reason to be.

I headed toward G. There probably wasn’t much to learn by watching him, and with M up my ass, I was just short of losing my shit.

There was another tap on my shoulder.

Jesus, what does that woman want?

But it wasn’t M. It was the bartender.

“Hi.” I continued toward G.