“Well, you can’t. Time to face the music. Call Simon’s bluff. I don’t think he’ll expose you, because he’d be deported. And if he did try to ruin you, I don’t think he could. You have a stellar reputation and a strong product. You might get fined by the INS, and that would suck, but I think your business partners would stand behind you. I know everyone here at the company would.”

Tears stung at my eyes. Shit, I didn’t want to cry over this. But it had added so much stress to my already overloaded life. I was just done with it.

Joi saw my misery and sat back down.

“You can do this,” she said.

Now, the tears were pouring down my cheeks. Might as well get them out. I no longer gave a shit if anyone else in the office could hear. I was overdue for a pity party.

“I got out of that godforsaken little town I grew up in, but I keep getting pressured to go back. I sold my soul for ten grand, and now, I’m on the brink of being punished for that. My software app is still buggy, and can confuse the difference between pee and poo.”

Joi and I looked at each other. She was clearly trying to suppress a smile, and in doing so, her shoulders were shaking. Then, a smile exploded on my face, and as hard as I tried not to laugh, a snort escaped my nose. Joi broke out into ear-splitting guffaws, and I followed. The harder we laughed, the harder it was to stop, until we were left gasping for air.

Mimi poked her head around the corner. “All good here?”

Unable to answer, I just nodded. She looked from me to Joi, rolled her eyes, and left.

Joi was right. Brodie was only trying to help me. I don’t know yet if he’d done more harm than good, but his intentions were clear.

And he liked me.

* * *

Not thirty minutes later,Simon returned my call. But for the first time, I was ready to face him.

“Simon!” I couldn’t have been more cheery.

“Well, if it isn’t my darling wife,” he growled. Oops, looks like the hornet’s nest was indeed irritated.

“Simon, I’m sorry about Brodie. He’s such a hothead. I couldn’t believe he slugged you like that.”

Actually, I could totally believe it. What I couldn’t believe was that I’d never done it myself.

In my most wide-eyed, innocent voice—if I even had such a thing—I said, “You weren’t hurt, were you? I really hope you’re okay.” The sweetness was sickening. And one hundred percent phony.

“I got my nosed plowed in, and you’re asking if I’m fine?”

“It’s terrible he did that,” I purred sympathetically. “I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

“Bollocks, Nara. And I’m sure you know what happened after that.” His fury pounded in my ear.

“He did tell me he sent someone to speak with you. I don’t know much more than that. But I didn’t put him up to it, and in fact, I am pissed at him for interfering.”

“Yeah, right. But it doesn’t matter. I’m going to Page Six to tell them their auction date darling is actually a felon. All of New York will be interested in that story.”

I swallowed hard, and then did the hardest thing I’d ever done. “Go ahead, Simon. Feel free. I’m not paying you. Ever.”


“Okay, Nara. Have it your way. You’ll be sorry, you will!”


“If you don’t sign the divorce papers, I’ll be calling the INS, and you will be deported,” I added calmly.

I pictured him sputtering and spewing, having a temper tantrum, and then being swallowed up by the Earth like Rumpelstiltskin. If only.

His voice escalated to a scream, forcing me to hold the phone away from my ear. “You little bitch. I’ll ruin you!”

“No, Simon, you won’t. I will ruin you. I may be fined, but I will remain in the United States. You, however, will not. So let me know what you decide. You know how to reach me.”

As I went to hang up, the phone exploded in a string of obscenities so long and loud I couldn’t make out a single one of them. But that didn’t matter. Not anymore.

Brodie had overstepped his bounds. But he’d succeeded in pushing mine. I never would have told Simon off without him.