“Old family friend,” he said, looking back up. “How do you know her?”

“My company volunteers several times a year at the shelter. They invited me to a fundraising meeting, and I met her there.” I laughed. “She sank her claws into me pretty hard and hasn’t let go.”

The smile returned to his face. “She’s like that, isn’t she?” His phone vibrated on the bar, but he ignored it. “What kind of company do you work for?”

“A small tech firm called Mommy Knows.”

“Mommy Knows…I can’t say I know that one. What’s the product?” Of course, he didn’t know about it. He wasn’t a parent saddled with poopy diapers.

“We have a software app. It links to a mom’s—or dad’s—iPhone and lets them know when their kid has a dirty diaper. So instead of waiting for the baby to start crying, you know right away. You can even have babysitters use it.”

His eyes widened. Then he threw his head back and laughed. I couldn’t blame him. The concept always sounded absurd at first. But explain it to any parent of a kid in diapers, and there was immediate understanding. It was like lights turning on. One mom I had explained it to had actually gotten tears in her eyes.

“Wow. That’s quite a concept. What do you do there?”

“I’m the founder and CEO.”

His eyes widened again. I was familiar with this part…“You’re kidding!”

“Yup. I’m a software developer.” Here it comes…

“You’re a tech CEO. Wow! But you look so…”

“Yeah, I know.” I was wearing my usual black pencil skirt, silk blouse, and sky-high pumps. On the other hand, most of my staff usually looked like they’d just rolled out of bed.

“How’d you come up with the concept? Do you have kids?”

My hand flew to my chest in mock horror. “God, no! I’d seen other moms sniffing their kid’s diapers to see if they needed changing. I thought that was just gross, and I wanted to come up with a better solution.”

“So you’re a software developer.” I noticed him sitting up straighter in his seat.

“Yup. Sure am.” Mimi would be expecting me, but I couldn’t sneak a look at my watch. Too rude.

“What about you, Brodie? How’d you end up as one of Mrs. Dolan’s victims?”

“Mrs. Dolan used to do charity work with my dad.”

I nodded. “Well, that was a gorgeous hotel, wasn’t it?”

He nodded with enthusiasm. “Yes, thank you.”

“What do you mean, thank you?” I asked.

“That was my hotel. Hotel Vertigo.”

Now it was my turn to be surprised.

“No kidding! Great place.” It really had been quite beautiful. And elegant.

“Thanks,” he said, nodding. “It’s been in the family for a long time. My dad’s no longer involved, so I’m in charge now. We’re doing okay for ourselves.”

So he was a hotelier. That was no pretty boy job. He probably worked his ass off and did long hours, holidays, weekends. Well, well.

But still. Didn’t one have to be conceited to be auctioned for charity?

Just then, my phone chirped. It knew it was Mimi, letting me know it was time to excuse myself and go.

Only I wasn’t ready yet.