“Why the hell would I joke about something like this? The story’s great. All it needs is a little tweaking, and we can run it.”

The envelope I’d been holding fluttered to the floor. Before I could pick it up, Ed grabbed it.

“This for me?” he asked, seeing his name on the front. He started to open it.

“No!” I snatched it from his hands. “Um, it’s something personal. For my cousin Ed. I need to mail it later.” I crammed it in my back pocket.

“Okay. Let’s talk about what needs to be done to finish the story. I really want to get you on to your next assignment.”

He blathered on for another fifteen minutes, but to be honest I only heard about every tenth word. I nodded in agreement and even spat out a few questions that I hoped didn’t sound idiotic.

But when I returned to my cube, where my Chinese food was waiting, I knew just what I had to do.

Chapter 34


I entered the club, not entirely sure what I was doing there given all that had just gone down with Saffi. I guess I just didn’t know what else to do.

I looked around the place, which exploded with endless carnal possibilities. The pre-play flirtation had always been a heady aphrodisiac, and I wove through the crowd of beautiful men and women, saying hello and shaking hands until reaching the bar.

“What may I help you with tonight?” The bartender, one I’d never seen before, wiped an invisible spot on the bar.

“Maker’s Mark with ginger. And a lime, please.”

“Coming right up, sir.”

It didn’t take long for M to appear at my flank.

“G. Wonderful to see you tonight.”

“Hi there.” After last time’s encounter, it was hard to summon any enthusiasm for the bitch.

“Can we talk?”

I sipped my drink and shrugged. “Sure.”

“In my office?” She took my hand.

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

I’d been to her office once before, a long time ago. It hadn’t changed. She closed the door behind us and gestured that I should take the seat next to her.

Instead, I sat in a large wingback chair, crossed a foot over my knee, and leaned back, drink in hand. “What can I help you with, M?”

She looked annoyed I hadn’t taken the seat next to her.

“G, as you know, I’ve had some concerns about your friend, B, and her intentions with regard to attending the club.” She ran her fingers through her long, wavy hair. “She’s being banned from the club. I wanted you to know that since you’ve spent time with her.”

“M, I am quite sure she won’t be coming back to Club Silk.”


“She and I…had a disagreement. I wouldn’t expect to see her back here.”

She filled the room with a loud sigh, and leaned back onto the sofa. “All right then. That takes care of that.”

But she continued. “One of the reasons I wanted you to know is that if she tries to return, I can’t say she will be safe.”