Disappointment washed over her face. She always loved a drama.

“What I have to tell you is way better,” I teased.

Her disappointment was replaced with glee. “Ohmygod! Tell me.” She slid to the edge of her seat.

“So…I told you I lined up a good assignment, something I hoped would really kick start my career and earn me some respect at the office.”

“Yeah. I remember.”

I took a sip of my beer. “I’m doing an undercover investigation.”

“Get. Out.” She cuffed me on the shoulder.

“It’s true. And I want to tell you about it, but you’ve got to keep this top secret and confidential. You cannot tell a soul until the story comes out.”

“Promise, I promise.” She did the whole cross my heart motion.

“Have you ever heard of Club Silk?”

She ran her hands through her hair while she thought. “You know, I have. Wasn’t there some story in the news a few years ago that it was some secret sex club, but every time it was discovered, they moved it to another location?”

I nodded.

Her eyes bugged out of her head. She looked around and whispered, “You’re doing a story on a sex club? Holy shit, tell me everything! Have you been there?”

I nodded.

“Was everyone just fucking with abandon, right there in public?”

“Pretty much. I mean, that’s what goes on there, basically.”

“Oh my god. Did you hook up with anyone?”

“I knew you were going to ask that.” I laughed. “Yeah, there’s a guy there who I’ve played with a couple times.”

“So that’s the term? Play with? I like it! Now tell me about him.”

“Well. He’s very sexy. Kind of commanding, which I like. A lot.”

She looked like she was going to explode. “Is he hot? What’s he look like?”

Some things were going to be hard to explain. “I don’t exactly know.”


“I know that sounds crazy, but I don’t know. He wears a mask.”

She grimaced. “Okay, that is creepy. Really weird. He must be ugly. Not sure I’d be down with that.”

“I suppose he could be ugly. He says he wears it to protect his privacy. Whatever that means. Anyway, it’s been quite the experience. It’s also a mysterious place.”

“Yeah?” Nelle asked. “How so?”

I leaned closer to her. “When I ask questions—really basic stuff like how long the club’s been around, how many members it has, etc.—no one will answer them. It’s the weirdest thing.” I ordered another round of beers.

Nelle put her elbow on the bar and propped her chin on it. “Oooh. Do you think it’s safe to go sniffing around there for info? Do you think you should leave well enough alone?”

“I feel safe, I mean I’ve been pretty discreet. But without some background on the club, I don’t have a well-rounded story.”