“Welcome to the club, B. Is this your first time?”

“Yes. Yes, it is.”


“How’d you find out about our little slice of heaven?” I asked.

Nervousness washed over her face. “Oh, um, a friend told me. Word of mouth, you could say.”

She was lying. I’d been around long enough to smell bullshit.

“Well, if you have a few minutes, I’d like to get you a drink.” Without waiting for an answer, I turned to Red Lipstick. “You wouldn’t mind excusing us for a bit, would you?”

Lipstick smiled brightly at me. She was a beauty, no doubt. But she knew the way things worked at the club, and she’d be the last one to cock block me. “Of course, darling.” She turned to Saffi. “I’ll be right over here, catching up with friends.”

She pointed to a tufted mattress where a woman was being fucked from behind by one guy, and in the mouth by another.

Taking Saffi by the elbow, I led her to a small love seat. “Tell me, B, what can I get you to drink?”

She leaned back into the soft cushions, draping an arm over the back. Was she gaining some confidence? Or maybe she was just a mediocre actress.

“A glass of champagne would be great, thank you.”

When I returned with our drinks, I sat at the other end of the love seat and turned to face her.

“So, a friend told you about this place. That’s interesting,” I said.

Her brow furrowed the tiniest bit. “It is? Why?”

“Well, we don’t get many new people that way. But it’s all good. Don’t worry. I’m sure Miss M is very glad to have you.”

“Yeah, she sat me down and told me the rules.”

“Oh, yes. The goddamn rules. I guess we need a few of those to make a place lik

e this work.”

Holy shit. Was I really hanging out with my legal counsel’s daughter? In a sex club? If Hugh Bartlett ever got wind of this…well, shit. He was one of the top lawyers in San Francisco. I could only imagine what he would do if he were pissed off enough.

Chapter 10


Only fifteen minutes in, but so far, sex clubs rocked.

The place was overwhelming. Refraining from staring was simply not possible. I couldn’t help myself. In the few minutes I’d been in the Twist Room, the place had filled up. P’s dress was down around her waist, and a man and a woman enjoyed each of her bare breasts. Gradually, the dress came completely off, revealing a clean-shaven pussy, which she began to finger with fury.

Jesus. She’s gonna come.

I’d never seen a woman orgasm. Well, except in porn, and everyone knew that shit was fake. On top of that, I’d never been with a woman—something I was beginning to think I might be interested in changing.

At the other end of the room, a man lay on his back with a woman straddling his hips. She leaned forward, kissing him. Just behind her was another guy. Holy shit, no way. The guy in back had loaded up his hand and then his cock with a bunch of lube. And now that cock was disappearing into that woman’s—ass. Yes, ass.

What a night to remember. For the sake of the paper, of course.

The woman, nearing delirium, moaned loudly. The guys were pretty damn loud, too, with their grunts and groans. I looked around to see if I was the only looky-loo staring, but the three had attracted attention from many in the room.

“You seem to like what you’re seeing,” my new friend whispered.