A man emerged from the back who, with his dark eyes and chiseled face, could have been his twin. But Varden was a smidge taller and definitely more buff. I extended my hand.

“So you’re the one?” Beau’s smile rivaled his brother’s. Good lord. I couldn’t believe there were two of them.

I looked at Varden. “You talked about me?”

“I might have.” He turned to Beau. “Thanks for outing me, bro.”

“Oh shit, didn’t mean to cause any trouble,” Beau said, laughing. “I think I’ll excuse myself now.” He disappeared back into his room.

Damn. Those Gallagher men were gorgeous.

“Wow,” Saffi said. “Your brother could give you a run for your money.”

Varden grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. “You’re right. He’s a great guy. Had some challenges, but he’s making it work. I help him all I can.”

“He’s lucky to have you.”

Varden nodded. Were his eyes watery? “I’m the lucky one. In more ways than one.”

Next morning, Varden found me wearing the fluffy white bathrobe I’d helped myself to. I was watching the San Francisco sunrise. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms tight.

“This view is insane,” I said.

He turned me to face him and stepped back to look me up and down. “I have to say, that robe has never looked better.”

“Oh, you say that to all the girls.”

“Actually…I’ve never had a girl spend the night here before. You’re the first to wrap that robe around your hot, little body.” And right there, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, he started to unwrap me, his hands inching toward my breasts.

“Wait! Your brother.”

“Oh shit. Almost f

orgot about little Beau.” He took my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

Once inside, he yanked the robe from me, dropping it to the floor. Under his Egyptian cotton pajama bottoms, his now-erect cock screamed for attention. He hooked his thumbs in the drawstring waistband, pushing them to his ankles. His bouncing hard on was engulfed by his huge hand, stroking it from base to bulging head.

It was the first time I’d seen him fully naked, and he was glorious. Whenever we’d played at the club, we’d always been partially clothed.

This had definitely been worth waiting for.

His broad shoulders and upper arms bulged with the curve of muscle, and the inside of one forearm was tattooed with some sort of clock. His nipples were erect and brown, surrounded by a perfect splay of chest hair. It vee’d into a long, thin line past his belly button to where his hand rested on his cock.

Without the robe, I, too, was completely exposed and thanks to his admiring gaze, I’d never felt as beautiful.

“Kneel.” He motioned toward the long, upholstered bench in front of another expansive window.

I padded over and settled on my knees. “Like this?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He walked up behind me, directing me to bend all the way down until my cheek rested on the cushion. He hoisted my hips as high as they would go and spread my knees. From my position, I watched him step back and look at me on full display. I felt his gaze wander from my ass past my pussy, to the top of my slit where my clit was peeking out.

“Fuck, yeah,” he growled.

“Someone might see us,” I said, peeking out the window.

“I thought you’d like that.”

He was right.