Smiling and elegant beyond description, she placed a hand on my elbow. “So good to see you, my dear. Would you come to my office for a sec to chat?”

“Well, um…” I bobbed my head toward the approaching couple.

But she only tightened her grip. “We won’t be long. I’m sure your new friends won’t mind.” She attempted to steer me in the direction of her office.

I took a look back, and the couple waved to me. I wanted to tell them I’d be right back. Just in case I wasn’t. But I didn’t get the chance.

We wove through the crowd, dodging everyone who knew M and who wanted to chat. She apologized to them all, saying she had a pressing matter to take care of. The entire time, she never loosened her grip on my elbow.

I steeled myself for a confrontation, thinking through what I might say. Really, there were only two ways to go: deny everything, or admit I was from the paper. Each had its pros and cons.

M ushered me into the office, closing the door behind us. The lock clicked quietly and my awareness jumped into overdrive. I stayed right next to the door, casually leaning against it.

“Please take a seat, B.”

I don’t think so.

“Thanks M, but I’ll stand. I want to get back to my new friends.”

She stood close to me. Too close. Somehow, her face remained beautiful while her eyes were dark and hard. “I know you’re up to something. I’m not sure what. But I know your type,” she spat.

I forced a laugh. “That’s ridiculous. My type. What are you talking about?”

“I want to know what you’re doing here. What are you after?”

I kept smiling. “I’m here for the same reason everyone else here is.”

I could smell the hatred coming off her. “You don’t know me very well, B. But ask anyone. They will tell you I don’t suffer fools. And I don’t let anyone mess with my club.”

“I’m not messing with your club. I don’t know what you are talking about.” Why hadn’t I brought that tiny recorder Ed had offered me?

She moved even closer. Her expensive perfume was exquisite and belied her menacing demeanor. Her fists were balled by her sides.

My heart pounded. It had been a mistake to come here. Especially since I’d told no one where I was. Maybe Varden was right…being on M’s “watch list” could be dangerous.

Before I could think of what to say, there was a loud banging at the door.

M called out, “I’m in a meeting. A private meeting.”

The banging continued.

“I said I’m in a meeting.”

“M, open the goddamn door right now,” a familiar voice called through the door. “I know you have B in there with you.”

Holy shit, it was Varden. I braced myself against the wall and pushed M as hard as I could. She toppled backward and fell on her ass, her expression one of pure rage.

I turned to flip the lock on the door, and as soon as I did, Varden came flying in. He wasn’t wearing his mask. And he was fucking beautiful.

Chapter 36


I don’t know what I expected to see when I burst into M’s office, but it sure as hell wasn’t her sprawled on the floor in her expensive silk dress.

I grabbed Saffi’s hand and looked her up and down. “Are you okay?”

“Fine. I’m fine.”