But like the saying went, you gotta keep your dick out of the company inkwell. Of course, Silk wasn’t my company, per se, but it was my home away from home. I wasn’t about to risk any drama with the one person who could keep me away from it. I’d seen her pissed before, and rain down her wrath on some dumb fuck who didn’t mind his place.

Regardless, my stiffening cock seemed to like the idea of Miss M, and I reached down to adjust myself in my custom-made trousers.

The industrial space that housed Silk was the perfect venue for an erotic as hell sex club. I’d been to several in my day, and none even came close to this one.

No, some smart real estate investor—with foresight not even I had had—transformed an old, trashed commercial space, one of the few still standing from San Francisco’s days as a huge cannery of all types of food, into a giant adult playground. The city’s food processing industry had been driven out long before, and this once industrial part of town was now ground zero for movers and shakers of the tech and financial world that had brought a wealth to San Francisco unlike anyone had ever dreamed of.

So this old space, with its abundance of character, had been reconfigured as the dreamy Club Silk, with its warren of bars, dance fl

oors, stages, and play rooms for fucking or whatever else anyone felt like doing. Miss M had wisely purchased the space and taken it to the next level by covering the wall in dark tapestries, and providing just enough light to leave the place candlelit dim, and massively sexy.

But her biggest coup was in making it exclusive and keeping it under the radar. Most San Franciscans had heard of the place but weren’t sure whether it truly existed, or whether it was just another urban myth. A lucky few of us knew where the truth lie, and we paid handsomely for the privilege. This kept out the riff-raff, the creepy guys who walked around with their dicks in their hands, and kept the gorgeous women coming in. And it all gave me an escape I’d die without.

A female hand landed on my arm.

“Hey,” said the voice attached to it.

I turned to see the voluptuous redhead I’d fucked a couple weeks ago.

“How are you?” I asked. Too bad I was in the mood for a spinner tonight, because this woman was fucking hot. Her curvy ass might be worth revisiting, though, depending on how the night progressed.

“I thought you were gonna call me,” she said with a delicious pout. My cock jerked again as I remembered her lips wrapped around my hard on.

“A.” I think that was her club name. It was hard to keep all the goddamn first initials straight. “You know I never call. It’s just not my thing.”

Her gaze drilled into my eyes, the only part of my face she could see behind the mask. I know she wanted to see more. They always did.

She, too, wore a mask, but it covered only the upper half of her face, which allowed me to enjoy her pretty smile. Her red lips were always ready for whatever she got the urge for, and lucky for me that had included sucking me off to a point where I’d nearly lost consciousness. A true cocksucker she was, and I meant that in the nicest possible way.

But I didn’t normally repeat women. That was the beauty of Silk.

In consolation, I ran my thumb along her lower lip and dipped it into her willing mouth. The old cock shifted pants again, reminding me to get on with the female attention I so desperately needed, and to stop being so goddamn coy. I retrieved my thumb. Time to get back to assessing the other talent in the place.

“See you later, hon,” I said, heading for the building’s massive second floor, a mezzanine with a perfect view of the floor below.

The elevator to the second floor, a rickety old freight thing, was taking forever. But I kept pressing the up button anyway, as if that would make a bit of difference. Probably someone in there playing out their elevator fucking fantasy. I had to shake my head and chuckle. I’d tried that when I was a newbie at the club, too.

As a noob, I’d wanted to fuck in every nook and cranny of the place, and the more people who could see and watch me, the better. Of course, all this was always done with my mask in place. Most, but not all of the clubgoers wore some version of one. Those of us with a lot to lose guarded our privacy to a point bordering on obsession.

You couldn’t be too careful, we liked to say.

But these days I preferred playing with some sweet thing in the smaller playrooms, and even on occasion in one of the private rooms with locking doors. As much as I dug being watched, getting off was the top priority now that I was a seasoned club member. I didn’t crave the ego boost of being watched like I once did—it actually made it damn hard to come, truth be told.

No, filling some hot thing’s pussy, mouth, or ass with my big load was my kryptonite.

I bailed on the slow freight elevator and headed for the stairs. In keeping with the rest of the building, they were wide, creaky contraptions that were still sturdy enough to pass city inspection, not to mention support the couple going at it doggy style right in front of me. As I climbed past them, I nodded at the dude. His drilling of the woman beneath him didn’t miss a beat. He nodded right back at me while he held her arms behind her back.


Up on the mezzanine, I found three beauties in various stages of undress—mostly completely undressed—cuddling on a large velvet sofa, sipping champagne from tall flutes they held with their perfect manicures. I made a quick mental calculation of which one I liked best, and which I would settle for, if need be. Not to be a dick about it—I loved fucking all women. I just knew what I needed that night, and if I could find it, well bingo.

“Ladies.” I nodded at them. Lord, they were cute.

“Hey, take that mask off. I wanna see your face,” a voluptuous one demanded.

“Sorry, babe. No can do.”

They scooted a place open for me on the sofa.