“Yes. Yes, this is she.” Remain calm, remain cool.

“We received a message from you.”

That was it? Okay. I could play that game.

“Is this my return call from the Club Silk?” I asked, with equal authority.

“Yes, Susan.”

“Super. I’d like to come check it out.”

“How did you hear about us, Susan?”

Shoulda known they’d ask that.

“A friend. A friend told me I might like it.”

“Who, may I ask?” The caller was polite and yet forceful. Good approach.

“I’m afraid I can’t share their name.” I pictured the tattered piece of paper blowing up to the bus stop.

“Very well. Are you free tomorrow night?”

Are you kidding?

“Why yes. I am.” Shit. What would I wear?

“Do you have a pen?”

I looked around the bathroom. Of course I didn’t have a pen. Who had a pen in the bathroom?

“No. Why?”

“You need to know how to get here.”

Right. Duh.

“Can you text me the address?”

There was silence on the line. Then a sigh. “Yes. I’ll text you the information.”

What a gal.

“Thank you.”

“What time will we see you?”

“Around nine p.m. okay?”

“Yes, see you then,” said the clipped voice.

“By the way, when I get there, who do I ask for—”


Okay, then. The woman was not going to win any awards for customer service.

I settled back into