Chapter 5


Iwas going to kill that little weasel, Muse. Taking credit for my work?

Not on my fucking watch.

I didn’t know yet how I would prove those designs were mine, but I’d find out how he’d made Forest think they were his and set everyone straight. The nerve of that little fucker.

He’d been so nice to me when I’d started.

“Hey, you’re the new girl,” he’d said, looking up at me as I walked in one morning. A lot of people had to look up at me.

“Hey. Nice to meet you,” I said, happy to talk to someone friendly. “How long have you been here?”

He looked just like the New York fashion guys I’d gone to school with—super straight-legged pants, a bowtie with their shirts, and heavy nerd glasses. Hair longer in the front, nearly hanging in the eyes, with a streak of some rainbow color. Quite adorable, really.

“Been here two years. It’s a lot of fun, and Forest is a great guy. He really encourages you to try things. Some head designers only let the juniors do the shit work like make patterns and stuff.”

He followed me to my desk as I turned on my iMac. “ Whatcha working on?” he asked, looking over my shoulder.

I was flattered he was interested. That was my first mistake.

“Oh, I’m just playing around. Ya know. I’m not that busy at the moment,” I said, pulling up some sketches in Illustrator.

Muse studied my line drawings. “They’re good. Forest will like them, too. Hey, some of us are going for drinks after work today, if you’d like to join?”

Hell, yeah. I didn’t know many people in New York aside from the family I’d nannied for. Between taking classes and looking after their kids, I’d barely had a moment of rest the last three years, never mind the time to hang out with friends.

And that was how it started, my brief and ill-fated friendship with Muse. I was thrilled to have a new friend. He took me all over town, introduced me to his friends, helped me get cooler clothes, and showed me the places to hang out. He was the perfect coworker and buddy.

Until he wasn’t.

I’d grown up around a lot of less than desirable people, so I should have smelled a rat when Muse was so over-the-top nice to me. But I’d figured any ugly part of my life was behind me then and that I was finally meeting the kind of people I wanted to be around.

I hadn’t known many decent folks until the Benson family hired me for childcare, and I’d certainly never known anybody like them. They welcomed me into their home like I was family, and eventually had me move in to be their full-time nanny. They’re the ones credited with helping me go to design school.

Yeah, my new life in New York was a completely different universe from the one I had growing up. Thank goodness, because the path I’d been on was not survivable.

* * *

When I’d finally finished getting all the shit needed for the fashion show packed up and back to the office, because of course, Muse took off, leaving all the work to me, I immediately called my roommate.

“Hey, Keely,” she said. “How was the show? Is it over?”

“Ohmygod, Fantine.” I’d slipped into the conference room for some privacy.

“What? What the hell happened?”

“You know that guy Muse I work with?”

“Yeah. The one who came to our Christmas party? Who wears the bowties?”

I wanted to take one of those stupid bowties and strangle him with it. “Yeah, him. Well, he stole one of my designs.”

“What the hell? How can that happen?” she asked.

Too easily, because I was a sucker for someone who was nice to me. “Well, we were all working on our new designs for this season’s collection, and he convinced my boss that he’d come up with the new trouser that I freaking slaved over.”

The noise of the city roared in the background, nearly drowning out Fantine’s voice. Okay, look. We can handle this. Just go talk to Forest. You’ve always said he was a good boss. I’m sure he’ll listen.”

“I already did say something to him, at the fashion show. He shut me right down. I couldn’t believe it.” Just talking about it got my heart pounding.

Actually, I didn’t know which was worse—Muse fucking me over, or Forest not believing me.

“No way, really? Hey, sweetie, I’m running into an audition. I’ll catch you later at home, okay?”

I slunk back to my desk. No one had heard my conversation in the privacy of the conference room, but because it was all glass, everyone had seen me in there. It was where people went when they had something personal to discuss. So it was kind of private but not.

Shit. Muse was side-eyeing me. Probably wondering if I was going to kick his ass.

I was so tired from the show, and so upset with Muse and Forest, I left work early. I didn’t even tell anyone.

When I got home, I undressed to my skivvies and hopped in bed. Sometimes, that was all I could do, and this was one of those times.

* * *