“That’s the answer, isn’t it?” Mary Beth asked, whirling on her brother-in-law. “Just hide the dirty linen in the closet, don’t let anyone know. Well, I’m not about to let some whore ruin my life or my kids’ lives. We have rights, too!”

Shannon couldn’t stand it a second longer. Stepping forward, cognizant of Travis Settler watching her every move, she said quietly, “Shea’s right. This isn’t the time or the place.”

“As if you would know anything about it!”

“Think of the kids.”

“Like he does?” she said, jerking her arm away from Robert’s grip. Tears were running from her eyes now, mascara streaking her face. “Like you do?” She glared at Shannon as Liam moved in closer to stand on the driver’s side of the silver car. “That’s the trouble with you Flannerys! You only think of yourselves. You don’t know what it’s like to have a child, to actually raise a kid, to put someone else before yourself!” she accused, her face twisted in pain and hatred. “And when your husband gave you some trouble, did you just shut up about it, huh? No way.” She pointed a finger at Shannon. “You found a way to get rid of him, didn’t you? Ryan ended up dead. Burned to a goddamned crisp!”

“That’s enough!” Robert hissed.

Shannon stared in impotent fury at the raving woman. Mary Beth was wounded, angry, and wasn’t going to be satisfied until she’d scratched and clawed at everyone associated with her unfaithful husband.

“Get her out of here,” Shea insisted.

Aaron, heretofore lagging behind, put an arm around Mary Beth’s shoulders.

“Don’t touch her,” Liam warned.

“Put a lid on it!” Aaron snapped back, then more quietly to Mary Beth, “Hey, MB, you don’t want to be doing this. Let me take you home. We’ll pick up your kids at Margaret’s.”

For a second she seemed to comply. Then a semi rolled past and Mary Beth’s head snapped up. “You sick son of a bitch!” She shook off his arm. “Forget it! You’re the worst of the lot, Aaron, and that’s saying something. And don’t try to hit on me!”

“What?” Aaron seemed stunned.

“The dumb-shit routine doesn’t work, either. You’ve tried to get me into the sack for years.”

“God, Mary Beth, listen to yourself,” Aaron said uneasily but Robert’s flash point temper took control of things.

“That does it!” he said to his wife. “Get in the damned car.” Robert opened the passenger door of his sports car.


“We’ll talk, okay? Just get the fuck inside.”

“Don’t do it,” Liam advised.

Mary Beth appeared about to balk but at that moment the motel manager opened the door of the office and stepped into the parking lot. A squat man about as wide as he was tall, with an obvious comb-over across his bald pate, he glowered at the group huddled near the car. Pointing at Travis Settler, he yelled, “Is there a problem out there? I don’t want none of it, y’hear? Take your troubles somewhere else, or I’ll call the police.” His tiny eyes focused on Robert and Mary Beth. “I’m not kidding! Now get the hell out!”

Robert glowered at his wife. Mary Beth, tight-lipped, her face a mess, slid into the open door of the car, muttering something about “hating to sit where the slut’s ass had been.” Robert slammed the door closed, then walked briskly to the driver’s side, reaching into his pocket for his keys. Quickly, as if he was afraid she’d escape, he slid behind the wheel. Within seconds the engine caught and roared as he stepped on the gas. Without a look over his shoulder, he accelerated out of the parking lot, leaving the rest of them to stare after his taillights as they disappeared around the next corner.

“Fuck!” Liam cast one scathing glance at the Flannerys and headed back to his black Jeep. Within seconds he was in the vehicle and had thrown it into reverse, narrowly missing the fender of a minivan. He jammed his rig into DRIVE and with a screech of tires, sped out of the lot.

“What’s his deal?” Aaron asked, staring after the Jeep.

“Who knows?” Shannon couldn’t begin to understand anyone in Ryan’s family. She glanced at Travis Settler but the man was keeping his own counsel.

“Mary Beth’s a head case,” Aaron muttered, reaching into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. He jabbed one filter tip between his lips. “I never so much as came on to her once.” He fired up the cigarette and shot a stream of smoke from the corner of his mouth. A drizzle of sweat ran down the side of his face, through one sideburn. “A bona fide nut.”

“Always has been.” Shea shot a look at Travis Settler. “Guess you got a bird’s-eye view of the inner workings of the Flannery family. Sometimes, it’s just not pretty.”

“All families have their problems,” Travis said dismissively.

“Yeah, well, we have more than our share of crackpots.” Shea tried to shepherd Shannon into his truck, but she turned to Travis and reminded him, “Dani’s things?”

“Right.” He started for his truck. “Just give me a second.”

When he was out of earshot, Shea muttered, “I don’t think you want to get involved in this, Shannon.”