“Or maybe a tranquillizer.” She knew she was overreacting, but she was a jumble of nerves today.

His grin widened a bit, and the crow’s-feet around his eyes deepened. “This is probably the place to get one.

“I was kidding.”

“I know.” He slapped his magazine closed. “I think we should call a tow company for your car.”

“Oh…good idea, but I need to be here.”

“As soon as Josh is released.” He snapped his magazine open again and turned his attention back to the article he’d been perusing. Katie sat down, but couldn’t endure the inactivity. Seconds later she was pacing again, her brain pounding with the problem of how she was going to tell Josh that his father was dead. She wanted to ask Luke what

had happened to Dave, but thought she had better wait until they were alone, and she felt more in control.

Within twenty minutes Josh was wheeled back into the room. He was wearing a brace on his leg, and a woman doctor with short brown hair, wide eyes and round glasses approached. “Are you Josh’s mom?”

“Yes. Katie. Katie Kinkaid.”

“Dr. Thatcher.” The doctor extended her hand and shook Katie’s. “I think Josh here is going to live a while longer,” she teased. “Nothing appears to be broken, but I’m going to send his X rays to a specialist for a second opinion, just in case. What I see is a pretty severe sprain. He’ll need to lie down and elevate his foot for a couple of days. The ankle should be iced, to begin with. I’ve prescribed some mild painkillers that he can take for the first forty-eight hours or so, and I’d like to see him use crutches until the swelling goes down.”

Katie listened and nodded but wondered how in the world she was going to keep an active ten-year-old off his feet. Short of strapping him to the bed, she didn’t have many options.

With Luke’s help, Josh hobbled to the truck, and they drove straight to the pharmacy where they picked up Josh’s prescription and rented crutches five minutes before the place closed for the night.

By the time they pulled into the driveway of her little bungalow, night had fallen and the streetlights gave off an eerie blue glow. Crickets chirped softly, and from a house down the street music wafted—some piece of jazz that seemed to float on the breeze. Blue, lying on the back stoop, growled his disapproval of the newcomer as Katie unlocked the door and Luke helped Josh up the steps.

“Hush!” Katie said sharply, and the old dog gave off one last indignant snarl. “Don’t mind him, he’s getting old and grouchy,” she said, but fondly patted Blue’s head. She snapped on the porch light, and the aging dog tagged after them as they entered the kitchen.

Once Josh was in his room and lying on his bed, Katie propped his leg on pillows, then rinsed a washcloth with water in the bathroom. “I guess you’ll have to use this to clean up,” she said as she handed him the wet cloth and eyed his cramped room. “You know, Josh, if you agree to keep up with your homework and don’t abuse the privilege, I’ll bring in the little TV set that’s in the kitchen.”


“Mmm-hmm. But homework comes first. School’s just started, so we don’t want to get behind.”

“‘We’ won’t,” he promised with a grin.

“I can take care of that.” Luke went back to the kitchen and returned to Josh’s room with the thirteen-inch TV. Balancing the TV on the top of an already crowded bookcase, he adjusted the rabbit ears and found a baseball game in progress.


Luke tossed Josh the remote control.

“Now, you promise to do everything the doctor says and keep up with your schoolwork?”

“’Course.” Josh nodded vigorously. For the first time since they’d picked him up, Josh smiled as he leaned back on his twin bed and immediately clicked the remote control to a different channel and one of his favorite sitcoms.

Blue, eyeing Luke suspiciously, slunk into the room and, after circling a couple of times, settled on the rug beside Josh’s bed. Resting his graying muzzle on his paws, he glared up at Luke as if he were the devil incarnate.

“You be good,” Katie warned the old dog, and he managed one thump of his tail. She turned her attention back to Josh. “Now, kid, is there anything else you need? How about something to eat?”

Josh’s dark eyes sparkled. Already he was getting used to being waited on. “Pizza?”

“Tomorrow, maybe. If we get the car back.”

“Papa Luigi’s delivers.”

“As I said, tomorrow.” She winked at her son. “Right now, I think I’d better scrounge something up from the refrigerator.”

He pulled a long face, which she ignored. “How about you?” she asked Luke. “I’m going to whip up some sandwiches if you’re interested.”