“Pauline Kirby asked Kyle Furstenberg whether he shot Marcus and Chandra Donatella on the Channel Seven noon news,” Savannah said, clarifying everything.
“Yes. That’s right,” her sister said with barely controlled patience.
“And he denied the crime.”
“Again. Yes.”
“Was Hillary Enders part of the interview?”
“God, Savannah! I already told you everything I know. You’ve gotta stop this.”
“Was there anyone else in the interview besides Furstenberg?”
“I’ll call you later.” Savannah was terse.
“No, no! God damn it. Don’t get further involved, if that’s what you’re trying to do. Let it go.”
Savvy clicked off without another word, then put a call in to Lang’s cell, wondering if he’d gone home already.
He picked up on the second ring. “Hey, Savvy.”
“Did you know Kyle Furstenberg gave an interview with Channel Seven today?”
“I heard.” He sounded disgusted.
“What’s the deal with Hillary Enders? I saw Ella Blessert at Bancroft and asked for Hillary’s address, but you’d already talked to her, and she thought you’d probably already talked to Hillary, too.”
“Hillary Enders is here.”
“Here? You mean at TCSD? Now?”
“In the interview room. She wanted to meet with us, and so I said, ‘Come on down.’”
“What about Furstenberg?”
“He doesn’t want to meet with us. I got through to him, but when I said I was with the sheriff’s department, he got off fast.”
“So, he talks to the media but not to us.” She was disgusted as well.
“Par for the course. I’m hoping Hillary can shed some light on her relationship with Marcus Donatella, and we’ll go from there. I’ve gotta go. We’re all set up.”
“Wait! I’m on my way.”
“Look, Savvy. Hillary’s ready to talk. She wants to talk. I’m not going to put this off and have her get cold feet,” he responded. “She’s one scared chicken, although I’m not sure s
he really knows anything, anyway.”
“I’m twenty minutes out.”
“I’m not waiting,” he said, exasperated. “You don’t even have to come.”
“Don’t piss me off, Lang. Really. Don’t piss me off.”
“Jesus H—” He cut himself off. “O’Halloran wants to talk to you,” he said meaningfully after a pause, “and you know what that’s about.”
“Yeah. He wants me to start my maternity leave. Well, stand in line. If he wants me to quit early, then he can tell me in person. I’m almost there, so save me a seat.”