“Well, it’s kind of odd, y’know? You all coming here from Riggs Crossing to ask about James Cahill and Gus getting hurt at his shop right before you get here. His shop in Riggs Crossing. I mean, what a ko-ink-ee-dink!”
Maybe. Rivers considered it, but really didn’t put much faith in coincidence.
“So what is it you want to know?” Korpi asked as she made her way back to her desk and leaned a hip on the edge. “Oh, right. About my ‘relationship’ with James.” She made air quotes, her fingertips the same shade as her sweater. “Well, if you want to know the truth, it was the biggest mistake of my life.”
“How so?” Mendoza asked, and Rivers guessed that she was recording as her phone was in her hand.
Korpi arched an eyebrow at Mendoza. “You’ve met him. He’s what Gus calls a ‘chick magnet,’ which I think really means big trouble. We didn’t date that long, but it certainly wasn’t exclusive, at least not on his part. There were always women coming out of the woodwork.” Her lips twisted wryly. “Not only is he too ha
ndsome for his own good, but he’s got money, and that . . . oh, it’s stupid I know, but he has that bad boy attitude that some women find so attractive.”
“Is that what attracted you?” Rivers said.
“No.” Then, “Maybe.” With a sigh she shook her head. “I really don’t know. He was different from the other men I’d dated, and yeah, his don’t-give-a-sh—damn attitude was refreshing. He seemed more real, you know, but looking back, maybe I was being played. Anyway, it didn’t last all that long.”
“Because of Rebecca Travers?”
She lifted a shoulder. “Maybe she was a symptom and not the cause, y’know. James doesn’t seem to be a one-woman kind of guy.”
Rivers asked, “How did you meet?”
“I already told this to the Marysville cops.”
“I know,” Mendoza said, “but humor us.”
She picked up a purple tension ball from her desk, then realized what she was doing and dropped it quickly. It landed between one of three coffee cups and a stack of papers. “We knew each other as kids when my father worked for his family and he’d come to visit, and then we reconnected when Gus took the job at his shop last year. At the time, I thought it was ‘fate, ’ ” she admitted ruefully, “but now I realize it was all just a big, fat mistake.” She sounded bitter, heard herself, and said, “I just wish this was over. I just hate being involved.”
“So, how did you reconnect?”
“Oh. I thought that was pretty obvious. Gus introduced us. Well, technically reintroduced us. We all got together for drinks, and James and I clicked and . . . well, you know . . . one thing led to another. Before I could think twice about it, we were dating and yeah, I was fantasizing about being in love. Then along came Rebecca Travers, and”—she slapped her hands together—“poof. That was that. What do they say? ‘Over before it really began’? Well, that’s how it felt.”
Rivers thought she felt a little worse than she was admitting and decided to push it. “So where were you on the night Megan Travers went missing?”
Jennifer Korpi blinked, surprised. “You think I had something to do with that? Really? It wasn’t Megan who broke us up. It was that sister of hers—Rebecca. I thought I made that clear a second ago.” Jennifer’s voice held more than a smidgeon of irritation, and she let out a huff of disgusted air. “As to your question. I was with Gus the night Megan went missing. We grabbed a pizza at Mario’s. Ate it back at his place and watched the game. The Hawks were on.”
Rivers knew the Seahawks had been playing the Forty-Niners. He’d watched the Seattle team lose the lead and go down in the fourth quarter.
Jennifer wasn’t finished. “As I said, I already told the Marysville police about it. Wait.” She stopped as if a sudden thought struck her. “Didn’t Gus back me up?”
“He did.” Mendoza was nodding.
“Well . . . ?” Holding up a hand as if that explained everything, she looked at Rivers, silently accusing him of being dumb as a stone not to come up with what she considered an obvious conclusion. Her phone buzzed, and she said, “Excuse me, I really have to take this,” then answered quickly and walked to a corner of the room, turning her back on them. Mendoza watched her, while Rivers moved around a bit. He walked to her desk and saw a still-wet tea bag in one of the coffee cups as he heard her part of the conversation. “Hey, I’m with the police now . . . yeah, the missing woman thing . . . soon, I think . . .”
He noticed the tension ball and, shifting his body so that his back was a shield and neither woman could see his actions, plucked the purple sphere nimbly from her desk and slipped it into his pocket before continuing through the room. A glance up confirmed what he’d thought—no cameras surveying the room. Walking along the windows, where the rain peppered the glass and the tape on a paper angel was failing, one of its wings sagging, he eavesdropped on the private conversation.
“Yeah, I know . . . won’t be long. Then I need to run to the hospital. Gus was in an accident . . . I think he’ll be okay. But I really have to go now,” Jennifer was saying. “Yeah. Love you too.” She clicked off as Rivers reached the leaning Christmas tree and terrarium. The lizard inside blinked his eyes slowly.
“Sorry,” Jennifer was saying as Mendoza scanned her phone and Rivers wended his way back through the desks to take up his place near her desk. “He’s expecting a ride. Car in the shop.” Then before anyone could ask, she added, “Harry Sinclaire. My boyfriend. I met him last year.” She inched her chin up a bit, a little proud—the spurned woman getting a little of her own back. “Kind of ironic, as I met him when I was still with James. Harry was buying one of those tiny houses James builds for a mountain cabin. He’s a great guy, by the way. Harry, that is. And yes, if you want to know the truth, he helped me get over James.”
Was she? Really over James Cahill? Something about her attitude seemed off for a woman who’d moved on. When they’d first walked into the room, she’d seemed scared, but sometimes that happened with cops. Now she was almost smug. Her phone rang again. “Oh, geez. It’s Tabitha again. Probably calling with an update on Gus.” She bit her lip. “I didn’t know this would take this long.”
Mendoza said, “I think we got everything we needed.” She checked with Rivers, who gave a swift nod. “Thanks for your time, and if you think of anything else that might help with the investigation, give us a call.” She slid a card into the teacher’s hand.
“Like I said, I don’t even know her.”
Mendoza smiled. “Just in case.”
“Okay.” Jennifer nodded and answered the phone as they walked out of the room, down the hallway to slip past the somber statue of St. Ignatius and the even more dour visage of Sister Rosemarie standing behind the counter in the school office. Upon spying their approach, she flew out of the office to unlock the doors and escort them outside to stand under the portico. Winter dusk was settling in early, the security lights in the parking area beginning to glow, a persistent rain falling from low-hanging clouds, their Jeep one of only a few vehicles in the lot.