Probably a piece of equipment that had come loose from its bindings and was shifting. Oh, God, please not one of her expensive cameras.
She pulled into her parking slot and reached for her keys.
Something passed in the rearview mirror, a shadow in the dark, obscuring the back window and her view of the empty lot behind her.
What the hell?
A frisson of fear skittered down her spine.
It’s nothing!
She licked her lips and cut the engine, her hands still on the key ring.
And she reached for the door, which was when the cold muzzle of a gun pressed against the back of her neck.
Her insides turned to water.
Oh. God.
Panic flooded through her.
“Don’t move,” a whispered voice ordered.
Like hell!
Charity yanked the keys from the ignition and swiped blindly backward with her right hand. A yowl of surprise cut through the van.
The gun shifted.
She scrabbled for the door handle.
“No, you don’t!” the voice warned.
The door flew open.
She fell out. Tried to get up.
Whoever it was tumbled after her, climbing over the seat and falling atop her, pressing her against the cold, hard pavement.
Charity started to scream, but a gloved hand clamped over her mouth, and in the watery light from a single security lamp, she looked up and saw eyes staring down at her.
Malicious eyes.
Eyes she’d seen before.
A new fear surged through her.
She struggled and saw the butt of a gun being raised with her assailant’s free hand.
Her scream was muffled, resounding only in her head as she twisted and writhed to no avail.
The pistol slammed into her face.
Her nose exploded in a burst of pain.