“I never met anyone named Larry Cross!” Dani said angrily, color flushing her face. She tried to step forward but felt Chase’s hand grip her forearm and restrain her as he backed a few steps away from Caleb.

Caleb shrugged. “I can only guess at his motives, but the man was bad news. I got rid of him as soon as I found out about him, but I didn’t know about any drum of dioxin.”

“What about the time you tried to siphon off all the water from Grizzly Creek for your own private lake?” Dani demanded, her fury getting the better of her tongue.

“Well,” Caleb said, spreading his hands, “I’d like to blame Cross for that one, but I’ll have to own up to it. I thought I’d be able to deter a little water for the lake without interrupting the flow too badly. Looks like I misjudged.”

“Looks like,” Dani agreed, her eyes narrowing to slits.

“But I admitted it and as soon as I realized that you weren’t getting enough water, I scrapped my idea for a lake.”

“But you didn’t know anything about a drum of dioxin?”

“Nope,” Caleb said, shaking his head slowly. “First I’ve heard of it.”

“Cross says different,” Chase said.

“Cross would.”

“He claims you paid him to keep quiet. To the tune of five thousand dollars.”

Caleb laughed outright. “I’m not the kind of man who likes to throw money away,” he said. “You know that. I gave Cross the boot and an extra week’s pay and, as far as I’m concerned, he was lucky to get that.” He smiled smugly. “Check the books if you don’t believe me.”

“I have.”



Caleb lifted his shoulders. “Cross is willing to testify.”

“It’s just his word against mine, McEnroe. Who do you think the judge would believe?” Smiling, he slapped the top rail of the fence. “Now, how about a drink—or some lunch?”

“No thanks,” Dani said. “Cody’s expecting me back.”

“But I would like a chance to talk to Jenna,” Chase said, propelling Dani toward the house.

“I don’t think that’s possible,” the older man replied.

“Why not?”

“Didn’t you know? Jenna left me high and dry. Ye

s, sir! Just two days ago. Took off and swore she wasn’t comin’ back.”

Chase, his countenance grim, whirled on his boot heel to face the old man. “Why?”

Dread, cold as winter night, skittered down Dani’s spine.

“She claimed she was moving . . . somewhere in Wyoming, I think. Has a sister near Laramie or Cheyenne or somewhere. Couldn’t even give me a couple weeks notice, if ya can believe that.”

“I believe it,” Chase said through clenched teeth. “But I think you put her up to it.”

“Now why would I do that? Best cook in the county. Jenna’s been with me for nearly twenty years and just the other day, quick as a cat climbing a tree, she up and quits.”

“So who’s taking care of the house?” Chase asked.

Caleb seemed more relaxed. “Maria. Wife of one of the hands. She’s got lunch on the table, I reckon. Sure you can’t stay?”